chapter 6

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lauras pov.
Did he seriously ask that? Was I dreaming? I looked in his eyes as I realized that I still laid on him, so I sat up.

Ross did too, "did I do..something wrong?", he asked.

I lightly laughed, "no, you didn't.."

"What's the matter then?", he sounded sad. Was it possible that he really felt something for me?

"I don't know if I can trust you..", I said quietly down.

"why shouldn't you?" I sighed lightly and looked down.

"I got betrayed a few times and now I don't know if I can trust boys again.", I looked up, "I mean. You're famous and you wanna be together with me?"

"Being famous isn't that great, you know? It means you have to be a bad boy. Thats what i always hated. I cant change it but one thing you can really trusting me", he smiled.

"One question..", he looked serious at me.


"Are you gonna break my heart like the others?"

ross pov.
I was sorry for her. She didn't deserve this either. But I had too. It was my dare. "I'm not like the others, Laura. I would never break your heart", I said serious. Maybe it wasn't true, because I was pretty sure I would break her heart, but I would explain it.

"And you really want to be together with me?", she asked unsure.

Okay here I go; "Yes". Her small cute mouth changed into a big smile and then she hugged me. I smelled her perfume and it was weird. I hugged light back. I didn't wanna hug her that much. I saw her as my friend - not my girlfriend..

*next day in school*
"Ross?", I heard a voice behind me so I turned around.

"Yes, Ryan?". He came closer and clapped on my shoulder,

"how was your dream date with miss ugly?", he laughed.

"Well..terrible", I smiled faked.

"Did you ask her already?"

I nodded, "yeah I did".

Then Maia came to us too, "when are we gonna see us again, babe?", she whispered while giving me a short hug.

"Today at 8pm?", I said with a smile.

"At yours?" Maia asked sexily.

"Yeah", I smirked.

"See you then", she hugged me again and then Ryan. Then she leaved.

"So you're together now?", Ryan continues asking me out.

"I think so.. she asked if I really want her to be my girlfriend and I said yes, so..", I said annoyed.

Ryan began to laugh again, "she really believed you, omg".

I laughed light, "yeah"

"Okay. Have fun in your relationship with miss ugly", he clapped my shoulder again and leaved me alone.

I rolled with my eyes and went to my locker. I didn't know what to do.

"Ross?", I heard a shy voice behind me. I turned around and looked at Laura. She looked different again..she looked ugly again.

Shit. "Yeah?", I said a little too annoyed, so I put a smile on my face.

"Is everything okay?", she asked quietly.

"Yeah..I just..don't feel that good, sorry", I replied and hugged her short. Preach God that the school began in that moment. "I gotta go", I smiled light, "See you later?".

Laura nodded, "bye..", she waved and then I went to my class.

Hey puppies
So I know this chapter is shitty, but still. Hope you enjoyed it.:)

Qotd: the fox and the hound or the lady and the tramp?
Aotd: can't decide. They are both INCREDIBLE good movies by Disney. but I prefer the fox and the hound part 1 and the lady and the tramp part 2. *-*

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