chapter 13

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"It was a dare" Ross said. "I'm sorry, Laura! Trust me, I never wanted any of this! It was ju-"

I cut him off, i didnt want to hear his voice, "Dont waste your breath." I swallowed, "When this wouldnt be what you wanted to reach, then you wouldnt have done this. You're an asshole, Ross Lynch." I turned around and went outta the school.

I tried to stay strong. I wanted to go away. This always happened when i thought i could become happy. As soon as i was in my room, the tears streamed down my cheeks.

After what felt like hours, I stopped crying and just laid in my bed, looking at the ceiling. I felt empty. I was hungry but i didnt want to eat. My phone buzzed for the 12th time now. It was always Ross. I didnt click on the messages, i didnt want to know what he wanted.

And why did he actually care, it was his choice to break my heart. He took it by himself. Gosh i cant believe him, i told him how often my heart got broken. He said he would never break my heart, but he knew the whole time he would.


I decided to take a shower, i showered for like 30 minutes before i went back to my room. I sat down on my bed and took my phone. Ross sent me messages like: "Laura, please answer me." and "Yes, i never broke up with Maia, but i didnt mean to hurt you!" Gosh i was so mad at him. I needed deflection.

"Vanessa?" I said while entering her room. She was skyping with Riker and looked up to face me, "Yeah?" she laughed, because Riker was soo funny. "Who's there?" Riker asked and Vanessa told him it was me, "Ahh, your beautiful sister who dated my Brother until she finally found out about the dare." I looked down but kept standing there.

"Dare? Which dare?" Vanessa looked at me and then at Riker, confused. I could hear how Riker scratched his neck, "Riight, i didnt tell you.", "Riker, which dare! get to the point, come on!" My sister seriously wanted to know what was going on. "Well, Ross got dared to date..your sister." he begins to state and Vanessas face got a bit mad, "How, dared!? Why?" She searched for my face again, but i was still looking down.

I actually didnt want her to know it was a dare, i would have said we broke up because he was not the right one, or something like this. "Ryan dared him to date her 2 months because Ryan thinks shes the ugliest on our school" Riker said, not really caring. How usual, Riker Lynch not caring about anything but himself. "WHAT!? Okay, Riker i gotta go, see you." and with that she finished the call and shut her laptop.


"use that gas that makes my motor run, you might be the bubble to my guumm."

Im sorry I have an earwig haha. Catchyy. btw, this chapter is so boring, yoo. but I think in the next chapter, which will probably be a bit longer, is gonna be the make over:)

I let the people which I like the most, look like the worst HAHA I love maia and riker! theyre my idols, but in this story theyre so stupid. I don't know haha


Im so incredible thankful for all the reads & comments! I love to read your comments! I rlly love that, its wdhreg

thank you thank you thank you thank you! <3


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