chapter 41

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"you love me?" I asked unsure. I actually knew she did, but i wanted to hear it again.

Laura chuckled and smiled a bit, "yes, Ross. I cant help myself with that.."

A smile came up. Finally.

"but whats the problem then? Laura i want you to be mine so bad..I've waited so long, i cant long any longer.."

Suddenly I was full of hope, I expected it would went to something beautiful now, but It then wasn't what i thought of.

Laura sighed and looked down, Ross.. I cant be your girlfriend.."

I was staring at her in a light shock, "Yes. Yes! Yes, you can!"

she shook her head, "No, Ross.. I can't..not now..not for the next time.."

I lifted her face up, "Why not?" I asked quietly.

I was so close, so close on being her boyfriend, so close on showing her how to be treated right, so close on having cliche moments with her.

"I simply cant do a relationship now. We can be friends, but not more..Im sorry, Ross.." A tear was rolling down her cheek.

I swallowed and then nodded, "Okay.. at least I'll have you around me.."

I was ignoring the fact that she tried to kiss me. Maybe starting as friends isnt such a bad idea.


It was going to be hard being by her side without just kissing her, her lips were kind of my drug. No matter if i ever said that or not, theyre my own drug.

"We will see if it works.." Laura said quietly. She was as unsure as I was.

I nodded, "Okay.."

Laura pulled herself closer to me and quietly laid her head down on my shoulder.

I didn't mind and we were just enjoying the time with silence. it was no awkward silence though. We thought both.

The next thing i wanted to call laura was girlfriend, and not friend. But it was better then being called from her asshole.


sorry that this chapters so short, i hope you like it anyways!

happy new year y'all, i love you!❤️

comment fav line! ach comment as much as you can, i love reading comments (i read them all.❤️💘)

yours sincerely, Monique

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