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PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!! i want you guys to count a few things you love about RauraQueen and omgrauslly because these two seem pretty depressed in the last time to me and i wanna show them some love. so please do me this favor.💘

Ally; you have been my best friend aka hasta la pasta tired smiley bla for such a long time now, and i just wanna say thank you once. thank you for being so freaking supportive towards me. sometimes youre my only escape. i love you so much. #mallyssa

Courtney; or should i say courtneigh? because thats the name you had on kik when i met you and i can remember how confused i was when everyone was calling you courtnEY and i was like? huh? ok doesnt matter now, youre one of the people i liked immediately and i love my coco so much. im sorry for the drama I already caused between us two. but i promise I will open up to you if you do the same. you know what i mean. ok but srsly Courtney, you can come to me whenever youre feeling bad, ill always be there for you i promise! i love you. momo and coco forevs

now please guys, show them some love!

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