chapter 62

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I was holding a gun for the first time in my life. Looking at the metallic weapon, i brushed over it slowly.

I could die here when it comes bad to bad. I had to know how to use it perfectly. I had to practice as much as i could.

"So listen." Jace said and i looked up.

"The first thing. When you are handling a handgun, always keep it pointed downrange. Many beginners struggle pulling the slide back with a semi-automatic with just their thumb and forefinger, especially if the handgun has a strong spring or your hands are sweaty. If you need to use the palm of your hand to pull back the slide, turn your body sideways to the weapon and keep it pointed downrange."

He showed me what he just told me and pulled back the slide.

"Carefully pick up your gun, keeping your finger outside the trigger guard, extended straight and flat on the side of the guard. You are really gripping the gun only with the middle and ring fingers, the 'pinky' is resting on the gun but is not used to grip; neither is the thumb used to grip the gun. The grip should be firm but not tight. If you're gripping it so tightly that the gun shakes, you will not be able to accurate control it. Got it til here?" He asked.

I nodded, i did understand it.

"Good. Now to the standing position, Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with the foot opposite your dominant hand, the hand you write with, about a step past the other foot. Lean forward slightly with your knees bent, making sure you're firmly balanced. The elbow of your dominant arm should be almost straight and your non-dominant elbow should be flexed at a slightly obtuse angle. Your dominant arm must be in line with the handgun and pointed at the target."

Jace showed it again and i nodded, listening to the things he had to say.

"When shooting, a common confusion is where to focus. On the the target? On the sight? After leveling the handgun and ensuring your firearm is aimed correctly you will need to focus on the target or placing your shot accurately is impossible. Shortly before firing the handgun, after you have carefully aimed it, you will need to take a deep breath and hold it. Calm your body. Looking at how the sights will be moving, you will notice that it traces a small figure eight pattern. This is due to the beating of your hear. In order to ensure you can see your aim point, pull the trigger when the sights come to the bottom of the figure eight. By the time you are finished pulling the trigger, the sights should be at the aim point. From the time you hold your breath to the time you pull the trigger should be short but not rapid or hurried."

I already was nervous because he told me what to do. Later actually going it might kill me. from nervousness!!

"Every sport has 'follow-through' and target shooting is no exception. As you squeeze the trigger the gun will fire, but don't release the trigger suddenly or relax your posture, your stance or your arms. Be still. Release the trigger after you've taken a breath and prepare for the next shot."

Of course he showed it again, but his gun wasn't loaded.

"The last step With the gun still in firing position, click the safety back in place and remember to keep the gun pointed downrange while you unload it. Release the magazine and rack the slide to eject any shells that may be in the chamber."

That was when he walked towards me. "You understood everything?"

I swallowed but nodded, "I think."

Smiling he gave me his hand and i pulled myself up with his help.

"Good. then try."

*2 hours later*

I did good Jace said. For beginners. It was weird at first, but i got used to it pretty fast.

I walked to my room, sat down on the bed and letting me fall onto my back, sighing loudly.

After 5 minutes just relaxing i stood up and started changing into my own clothes again. I laid these black training clothes on the table and took my school bag and my phone and walked out.

"Ross." Courtney said and smiled as we walked to my car. "How was it?"

"Oh it was pretty cool actually." I said smiling. I really didn't think practicing could be fun.

"Im glad you liked it."

I nodded and we arrived at my car, "I am gonna show you the way now. Try to keep it in mind." She said as she sat down onto the wheel.

I got into the car too, "Ill try." I laughed.

Then she drove me home again and we botu got out of the car. "Tomorrow is no regular practice, so just calm from today and enjoy the time with laur. But remember that she isn't allowed to know anything from this. I dont want her to be pulled in this as well. Im already sorry for pulling you in this."

I pushed her light, "Its okay. Youre my best friend, i would die for you." We both laughed a bit and then we hugged short.

"Bye." Courtney said and waved before walking away.

*1 hour later*

All you could hear was the sound of our lips and the noises they made.

After i arrived and greeted her parents, we went to her room and laid down in her bed since it has became late.

I was happy to be around her after i thought i would never see her again. I loved this girl so much.

Laura giggled a bit and pulled away, "Are you feeling better?" She said and looked at me, brushed her fingers over my cheek and laid her hand onto my forehead.

"Im feeling perfect here with you." I answered and kissed her forehead, then her cheek and her nose before pulling away.

She smiled so big, "come on, kiss the part which wants to be kissed from you."

I smirked, "I cant, your parents are home."

That was when she dropped her mouth and hold back her laughter. "You pervers asshole!" she said and pushed me down from her and sat up smiling while turning to me.

Now she was sitting in front of me and i looked at her, "I was kidding, i know what you meant." I smiled as i leaned in and crashed my lips onto hers.

She gave into this and i leaned more in, making her fall on her back what caused us to laugh, but I crawled onto her and kissed her again. Passionately, soft and slow.

Laura wrapped her legs around my waist and her hands laid on my chest.

This kind of kisses were so freaking different than everything i ever had.

"I love you." I whispered as i pulled away after a while.

She smiled warm and opened her eyes, looking up at me and whispered back, "I love you."

Those butterflies in my stomach seemed to explode. She was the girl i wanted to live happily ever after with. Some day i would make her to my wife.

firstly i wanna say, i didnt write this gun stuff. I stole it from some wiki page in the internet. so creds to internet.
I dont know if that is even right but well, i wanted to go a bit in detail with this.

secondly, there is no reason to hate MAYA SKFNFJJDJFJDJ  i think you will learn to love her trough the next chapters. Who watched her in the 100 knows how good souled she is. I miss her so friggin much. 💔

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