creative name

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i got tagged by many but this is for omgrauslly , remember this chat AGES ago. we were so cute right

dont you dare ignoring this and not reading my super coool answers yall

1) You have to write ALL the rules.
2) You have to answer thirteen questions and create thirteen more to be answered.
3) You have to complete this challenge within seven days.
4) Once you have completed it, you have to tag thirteen more people.
5) You can tag the person who tagged you back.
6) You have to give this a creative name.
7) You have to say who set your tag.

Allys Questions; my answer

1. Are you annoyed that I tagged you?
yes, very annoyed. no jkjk, i feel honored when you tag me in these hahha <3

2. Are you a girly girl or a tomboy?
i am evan peters

no ok i gotta stop
i wear converse or adidas superstars with a dark red or adidas jacket, so idk. a mix between these both because i dont dress like a tomboy but also dont like a girly girl lol

3. If you could change your name, what would it be?
evan peters


mikayla, thats also the name xsavinglaurax first met me with hahah remember, kim?

4. Which season is your favourite?
fall, not just because its when my birthday is, but also because I don't like heat, neither do i love the cold. i like the mix, so spring or fall, but i rather fall 💞

5. Song which is replaying in your mind right now?
since i was listening to follow you by bring me the horizon just a few seconds ago, this song is replaying in my head 💘

6. Fifth Harmony or Little Mix?
Evan Peters

7. Favourite emoji?

8. Last person you texted?
Allyssa my little baby

9. What is your impression of me?
evan peters. no jk hahah

I hate you.

no, i dont. or? 😌 no srsly i love you, you mean so much to me. I remember when we first 'met'. you always were so supportive (and you still are) and im so happy to have you, idk what i would do without you. youre my missing piece in my hasta la pasta life bla and im sad we dont chat daily anymore, i really miss this, but I respect that of course. ily 💘

10. Which brand do you use for your phone?
iphone duh.

11. What time is it at your place now?
3pm, time for bed.

12. Have you ever been grounded? For what?
when i was younger, i have been grounded SO OFTEN hahahha srsly, i have been grounded for example not cleaning my room or not doing my homework lol, but since im older, i never get grounded anymore.

my mom would be happy is i would go out more often hahhah im a bed person, sticked to my phone and my laptop and..

evan peters

13. Describe yourself with an animal.
I unfortunately can't describe myself as an animal but i can describe Evan Peters as one.
Im sure hes like an wild animal bed.

"so dangerous, so dangerous"

but no seriously guys, I LOVE

evan peters.


so this was it, this stupid tag thing i hope you liked my creative answers lol. and i wont tag people, will i be punished now haha :b 💕

love yall littlebabies 💓🐺

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