chapter 33

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Short info: Don't hate me (;

Ross POV.

I walked around in the rain, thinking about that. I didn't know what was going to happen next.

I didn't know if we were going to talk, to be friends. Maybe even to be together. I just knew she loved me.

I felt it, I felt it in the way she was kissing me. But she also loved Simon, and I wasn't sure who she would take.

I knew Simon was mad, I knew he saw it. And I was sorry for him, I didn't like him but I also knew Laura and him could fight now.

Her lips on mine felt right, like they were made for each other. And how she wrapped her legs around my waist. Laura was enjoying this moment, even if it wasn't lasting long.

  -     -
  "I kissed her." I told my Sister.

She turned around and looked at me, schocked. "And she kissed back."

Rydels mouth dropped, "No. Oh my god, Ross!" She smiled.

After I thought about it, I went home. I had no messages from Laura, no missed calls. nothing.

I nodded my head yes, "yeah..." I was sad and confused.

She stopped with her homework and sat down next to me, "but isn't that good?" Rydel asked careful.

I shook my head, "I don't know. I mean, yes. She kissed back but does that also mean she forgave me? Is someone able to forgive what I've done?"

"Ross, everyone makes mistakes. We aren't born to be perfect. Yeah, you made a stupid mistake. But just because firstly, it was a dare. Secondly, you are hanging with the wrong people an-"

I furrowed my eyebrow, "but you're belonging to the people I am hanging with?"

Rydel rolled her eyes, "Yes. But, I know some of those people longer and better then you. They're not good, especially for you."

I thought a second and sighed, "What should I do now?"

"You want her to be yours, huh?" Rydel smiled weak.

I played with my hands and looked then up again and nodded, "Only mine."

It was true. I wanted this girl to belong to me, I wanted her to fall asleep in my arms, I wanted to have those romantic moments with her.
I wanted the total opposite relationship of My and Maias one.

I loved Laura. I was sure, I loved her with my whole heart. My body craves for her and she took the upper hand of my mind.

  -     -
Laura's POV.

I sat there in silence, just thinking. Suddenly I heard a voice calling my name. Laura. Laura. The whole time. I didn't response.

"Laura, there you are!" Simon said, exhausted.

I looked at him, I didn't care that my make up should have been all over my face.

"I need time alone." I answered, quietly.

He came slowly closer, "I know. But I need to talk that out. I need answers."

I closed my eyes and took a breath, "okay. Sit down."

I knew what was coming my way now. Do you love him? Why didn't you pull away? Will we break up? All those questions I couldn't reply to.

He took a seat next to me and stayed quiet a while, playing with his hands. Simon thought about it over and over again. I just looked straight in the air.

It wasn't like I didn't need answers. Ohh, I did. I searched for them but I didn't find them.

"Did you..know what was going to happen as you ran out?" He began.

I shook my head, "no. Not at all. I just wanted to be alone. I was mad at him."

I nodded, "as he came out, what did you feel?"

"I don't know. Hate?" Yes I felt that. I hated him, not for breaking my heart a long while ago. I hated him for stealing it again.

"Why did he kiss you?" He asked, careful. Simon was afraid of the answer.

I repeated what has happened, "I screamed at him, and pushed him. It was his way to stop me."

"And then suddenly all your Anger was away and you were able to wrap your legs against him?"

"No Simon..I pulled away and slapped him, I began screaming again. He kissed me twice and I couldn't help it. I am so sorry." I began crying. He like me knew what that meant.

Simon took a breath, "He loves you, Laura."

"I know that Simon, i know that!" I said between my tears.

"Do you love him too?" There it was, the question I was waiting for.

I began crying more, it was too much for me, "I don't want to hurt you!"

"Don't think about what I want! What all the others want. What do you want!" He said, sternly.

I swallowed and tried to stop crying really hard, "I love you both! I can't stop loving him!"

Simon looked at me and then crashed his lips against mine. Tears continued rolling down my cheeks.

He kissed rough, rougher then he ever did. I let him, I tried to find the answers into the kiss.

After a while I stopped crying and just kissed the same way back.

"I am gonna make you love only me." He mumbled on my lips and layed us down.

My chest was rising up and down fast. I couldn't think straight, He let his hand stroke my inner thigh.

I bit my lip as he slowly went up to my briefs. I passioned the kiss immediately.

He pulled them down and the next second his finger was into me.

I moaned load and then bit my lip again but he kept kissing me.

He slowly curled around, making me soaking wet. At some time he stopped kissing my lips, I opened my eyes and saw him going down with his head..

Long chapter huh?
I didn't write that "dirty" stuff in detail because ..wuah. It isn't raura.

Please dont hate me too fast ((;

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I am thankful for all those reads and comments! I really am. I love you all so much. Thank you thank you thank you <3

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