chapter 5

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ross' pov.
As I saw her, I couldn't believe my eyes! She looked so different! Her outfit was smart! "Laura, you look stunning", I said and she blushed with a light smile, "Thanks".

I gave her a smile back, "can we go?". Laura nodded and took her little handbag.

Together we went outside and there was silence immediately.  I was thinking about Maia. I'm so sorry for her. How could Ryan do that.

"by the way, you look handsome", Laura said while walking next to me.

I looked down at me, "mhh yeah. Acceptable", we laughed lightly.

"How long were you and Maia together?", I faked my Sadness,

"I..I don't wanna talk about her.".

She said, "sorry..", and looked down.

I lightly punched her, "it's okay. I'm fine.". Then she smiled again.

"Where are we actually going?", Laura asked.

"As if I would tell you", I laughed, "no.. we have to walk even a's okay, right?"

She just nodded and then there was silence again. Kinda weird..

*arrives at the picnic place*
"We arrived!", I screamed. Laura laughed and looked around, "Where?". I pointed at the park. "Ahhhh", she smiled silly. It looked..cute. somehow.

But I wish it was Maia who stood there with me. "Come!", we went the last steps into the park and then she saw the picnic I prepared. "Ohgod!", Laura walked over to the blanket.

"did you do this?", she asked me. I nodded my head, "yeah. For you..because.. I like you", I lied. Her mouth dropped, " like.. me?"

"Yes, Laura..". She took a breath and sat down. I sat next to her, "Hungry? Thirsty?" I said gentle. "Hungry" Laura answered.

*A few hours later*
"Really!?", she laughed. I did too. "Yeah, I swear. It was embarrassing!", "oh my god, that's so rude, but also so funny!"

I looked at her faked mad, she looked at me too. "You can't stay like this. I bet.", Laura looked deep in my eyes. It wasn't even funny but I had to laugh.

"HA! I WON!", she smiled, "what will I get?". I looked around me on the blanket, took a glass of water and splashed her face with it.

Her face went shocked. Then she looked at me. "Ooooh no you didn't!", I laughed hard and nodded. "You'll regret that!", she said with a smirk on her face and wished the water away.

"Should I be afraid?", I asked sarcastically. Laura just looked at me and then suddenly jumped on me.

We leaned back on the ground with her on top of me. We looked in each others eyes. Well, that was awkward.. but the time was perfect.

"Do you wanna be my Girlfriend?", i asked faked in love.

hope you enjoyed this chapter♥
Can you believe it? Austin and Allys Filming is over. I'm so sad..#thankyouaustinandally for letting me find such a beautiful family. #goodbyeaustinandally

Qotd: Cola or Fanta?

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@/ rauramountainz & @/ asdfgr5


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