chapter 63

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"Ross?" Laura asked as she was about to fall asleep in my arms.

I was playing with her fingers and just relaxed, but turned my head to her when she said my name, "hm?"

"When i was together with Simon, i think it was because i needed someone being with me after you hurt me.." She began and i looked down.

"Im sorry.. I never meant to hur-"

"I wasn't finished.." Laura sat a bit more up and so did i. Then we looked at each other.

"You were the one hurting me the most, because youre the one i loved the most. and of course still do.. i never stopped. even when i was together with Simon." She continued and i didnt know whether to smile or not.

I still couldnt forgive me for what i have done to her.

"Everytime i saw you, it hurt me because we couldnt be together. I was telling myself I can't be together with someone who cheated on me behind my back."

I sighed, "What does that mean?.." this kind of sounded like she was about to break up.

"As we danced together, because we won this price.. and when i ran out, and when you.. kissed me, even tho i thought i didnt want you to.. I realized how much i still loved you. I am sure you felt how i was trying to resist at kissing you back, but when you kissed me for the second time, i had no chance.. and i wanna thank you for this. I dont know if i would have realized it without this.."

Now i had to smile, the memories. I was kissing her in the rain. It was an aggressive one. But she was so weak, she had no chance as i pressed her against a wall.

"There is no need to thank me. I just did everything i had to do to get you back. I never thought i could love so strong until i met you. And i fell in love with the one you were before this whole make over thing. I see you without make up and in chill clothes with glasses almost everyday..I was stubborn to think life is about the image at school and hanging with the famous people. it is about hanging with the right people, and you are the right people.."

She took my hand and laid in my arms down again, turned her head to my neck and kissed it one time soft before hiding it in it, "i love you so much.." Laura whispered.

I hugged her a bit from the side and rubbed her shoulder while turning my head down to her a bit, "I love you so much more."


*1 week later; practicing*

"Did Laura notice anything?" Courtney asked me as we entered my room.

I shook my head slowly, "Im feeling bad about not telling her." I laid my back down and sat onto my bed and sighed.

"I know.. Im sorry, Ross." She said excusing and I really appreciated that and nodded my head.

"It's okay." I smiled.

she nodded as well, "okay um.. im waiting in the training room." That was when she left.

I sighed again and took my phone. Laura thought i was hanging with some friends.

After i wrote Laura that i wish her a good night because i might be not able to write her, i laid my phone away and changed into my training clothes.

When i finished i walked outta the room but i walked into someone and i heard something crash on the ground.

I immediately turned around and dropped my mouth, "omg maya! im
sorry!" I said and kneeled down to her books which fell to the ground.

She fast bent down as well and took the books before me, "Its alright." She said, smiling weak as we looked at each other still being kneeled down.

I got lost in her eyes for a moment and then helped her up and pulled myself up as well, "I never meant walking into you." I said smiling.

She chuckled and pressed her books against her chest, "You couldnt know i was walking past your door."

Maya frowned short and then looked at me again, "You know my name?"

I nodded smiling, "Courtney told me."

She smiled weak and short before beginning to walk away.

I got confused so i walked after her and stopped her, "Whats wrong?" I asked quiet.

She shook her head, "nothing, i just don't think we should talk. i dont know you, i dont even know your name."

"My name is Ross, im 17, my favorite color is yellow, i like pancakes and romeo and juliet." That was when Maya had to laugh light.

Her smile was beautiful. Not as beautiful as Lauras, but it looked real. I just felt sorry for Maya and i thought she didnt smile often or laughed, and i wanted to make her feel better.

"Well, nice to meet you, Ross." I smiled as she said that.

"But i gotta go." She said shyly and left me.

I looked after her. What was it about her?

I walked to Courtney and the training started.
Wrestling, boxing. everything you gotta do.

sorry about that short chapter.

any ideas how to continue? (pls no sex or smth loord)


im tired. but i still didnt watch 3x10 of the 100 omg id fjxnsbf

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