Late Nights~ Ironstrange

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AN: not all of these will have a title some will just be numbers because I didn't want to come up with a name please excuse any grammar mistakes in this and the amount of cringe because my first chapters are always bad. For anyone coming from my Weak Hero One-Shots book I decided to go ahead and post some chapters on this instead of waiting.



~Tony~ (these are mostly going to be in his)

My dad has never told me that he cared for me, so I assumed he didn't "i'm dying son" those were the words he chose to tell me right before he died, I didn't get anything to let me know that he even cared that I existed. I was sad but no one knew that, I was angry and no one knew, I was tired and no one knew, but in that moment everyone knew that he was never going to admit caring about anyone. My mother even thought he stayed with her because he made a family with her "the last time he told me he loved me was 25 years ago" it was sad to hear that he didn't even care about my mother.

I'm Tony Stark, the son of Howard and Maria Stark, and was expected to do great things "come on Mr.Stark lets go" I was being dragged down the hall by a freshman that I took under my wing "Pete hold up!". I was trying not to trip and fall on my ass "we're going to be late" I chuckle "we have lunch" he stops pulling me "oh" a Junior and hanging out with a Freshman earns both of us some stares. Peter look like he wants to ask me something with the way he kept glancing at me "what is it kid" he doesn't say it until I give him my 'tell me right now' look "how are you?" I furrow my eyes "what do you mean kid".

He scratches the back of his neck "well your dad died, your mom is a wreck, and you have bags under your eyes" he was a very observative person, but his problem is he trusts everything I say "kid my dad never really liked me and barely said anything to me, my mom never really said anything either and when she did it was covered up by our arguing, and it's the middle of the year so I have a lot a project that I stay up and work on, nothing to worry about". He nods "ok, that's good" he seemed at lot better after hearing that "what is everyone looking at" he tried to peak over the crowd but he's short "new senior, they think he's hot so they surround him like vultures".

He makes an 'o' with his mouth "everyone except our table is surrounding him" I nod "yeah because we have basic human decency unlike them, that's why I chose this group, they know what personal space is". He seemed interested in everything I had to say "what's for lunch" I shrug "probably something gross" we both let out small laughs and join our group "hey Tonyyy~" I groan when I hear Pepper call me in her mischievous voice. I spin "what?" she smirks "I heard the new guy is just your type, they don't know this but I do" I roll my eyes and spin back around "you really think a senior would want to get with a junior? almost all of them hate us" she shrugs "good luck~" I was confused until I saw her leading the best looking guy I have ever seen over to our table.

I lean my head on my hand "Rhodey i'm going to die" he nods "I know" he then laughs at me along with a couple others that heard it "here sit next to Tony, although he's a bit pouty today" I flip her off and get on my phone. Stephen sits next to me a little awkwardly because of my attitude, and not really knowing us "sorry, usually he's in a better mood but today he woke up and decided to hate the world". I roll my eyes "he gets like this sometimes just ignore him on days like this" Stephen nods while I lay my head on the table and pretend to sleep "he is really not having it today is he" Peter sat next to me "he looks like shit". I just kept listening to their conversations until the bell rang and Peter shook me "Mr.Stark wake up we have to go to class" I stand and yawn before nodded at him to tell him that i'm going.

As I go through my day I realize that I have a lot of classes with Stephen, and at the end of the day he was with our group while we were waiting for Peter's aunt to come pick him up "hey I forgot to tell you Stephen, on Friday's we have sleepovers at Tony's you're welcome to come" Stephen nods "i'll try to make it"......That's how we ended up gathered at my house with me downing drinks and the others lightly drinking "Tony what are you doing up here" looks like Steve decided to come to the balcony and watch the party with me. I turn and face him "watching" he nods "well what are you watching" I give him my bitch face "what do you think i'm watching" he rolls his eyes "so what crawled up your ass this morning" I scoff "hopefully not you".

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