Arrows~ Winterhawk

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AN: I don't know either. I may or may not have a slight obsession with Clint....i'm sorry. In all my stories with Bucky, his hair is short, if you don't read this you'll get a surprise sorry for that.



I close my eyes and take a deep breath before letting go, then open my eyes again to watch the arrow hit the target forming the last bit of the spiral on my 9th target. "Clint, it's late" I shrug at Natasha "it's fine". She sighs "You can't avoid it forever". I move over to the next target "Yes, I can" I shoot another arrow. "I know it hurt yo-" I cut her off "I'm fine Nat, you don't have to coddle me". she rolls her eyes "You haven't slept in 3 weeks". I shrug "I'm fine" she stood from her spot. "You're going to drop from exhaustion soon, try to lay down before it happens, I know I can't force you to sleep, but I can try to stop you from cracking your head open" she smiles at me before leaving. I smile back before shooting some more, but I couldn't forget why I was here in the first place. I cursed Nat for bringing my attention back to the fact that Laura took the kids away and refuses to let me see them. I curse again and throw an arrow at the wall to my left before setting my bow down and taking a deep breath. "Ok" I pick my stuff up and go to the changing room to throw my stuff in my locker.

I head upstairs to the kitchen to get something to drink. I felt like throwing up so eating was not an option "Barton?". I hum at Tony who had walked into the kitchen after me "What are you doing up this late?". I shrug "Couldn't sleep" he hums "Right, like the last, what, billion times". I smile and shake my head "Yeah, just having trouble lately". He nods "I've been working on a project, wanna watch" I shrug "Sure". I follow him down the lab and he explains all the upgrades he's doing to my arrows "Care to try them out". I nod "Gimme" he tosses it to me "Any surprises?" he shrugs "Find out". I grab my spare bow that I keep in here and shoot the arrow. It hits the target and acid spews out of it making the wall disintegrate "Holy shit!". He laughs "Only use it on stuff like robots, I will have toned down ones soon enough". I nod "How the hell did you even do that?". He laughs "Want me to teach you how to make them?" I nod again "Yeah I mean what am I going to do if you die and I don't know how". He scoffs "Please i'll live forever" I roll my eyes and sit in the chair next to him. 

I spent the rest of the night learning how to make all types of arrows and was working until Bucky and Steve walked in. "What's going on in here" Tony looked up and smiled "Arrows" I smiled at them before concentrating on the arrow again. I tuned out their conversation until I heard my name "Clint's looking concentrated". I flipped Bucky off "So he can hear". I shrugged and continued working "Or not". I tuned them out again and distracted myself. I was working until Tony tapped my shoulder "Clint". I look up "Yeah?" he pointed to the doorway where Natasha was standing "Oh" she did not look happy "Clint". I nod "I know, I know" I stand "You in trouble?". I nod at Steve "Yeah" I walk out the door and she closes it "I know, you saying all that was telling me to sleep, but Tony offered so technically-". She covers my mouth "Shut up" I nod "Good, I think you should go lay down before I knock you out myself". I nod "Yep, just don't use the frying pan again". She points and I walk upstairs about to head to my room, but she stops me "Couch, last time you faked it". I sigh "Yeah, yeah" I walk back towards the living room. I lay on my back, on the couch. "Now go to bed" I roll my eyes and jump when a knife flies past my face "Christ, ok". I close my eyes and force myself to go to sleep, which wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. 

With how tired I was, sleeping was like blinking and I was up before I realized I was asleep. "I was beginning to think you died" I shrugged at Natasha as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "How long was I asleep?" she sits down next to me. "2 and a half days" I nod "Ok, better than last time". She nods "Yeah, last time I had to explain why you disappeared for a week without mentioning you didn't sleep for 5 months". I shrug "Honestly could've said I was on a mission". She nods "I did" I shrug again "Either way". She leaves and I stand up to stretch "He lives" I turn to see a smiling Tony "Thought you would never sleep". I walk into the kitchen with him "Neither did I, guess a threat from Natasha can do that". He nods "She is very scary" I sit at the island while he starts to make himself some coffee. "Natasha also said no coffee" I groan and lay my head on the island "When did sleeping beauty wake up?". I flip Bucky off as he walks in "Why am I always getting flipped off?". I stood and left the room to answer my phone "Hello?" Laura answers immediately "Clint some of your shooting stuff is still here, when is a good time to drop it off?". I hummed and thought about it for a minute "Whenever I guess, if we have an emergency just talk to Pepper and she'll let you up". She hums "Alright, bye Clint" I rub my forehead "Bye Laura". She hung up and I put my phone away "Who's Laura?" I jump "Christ, nobody just forget about it". Bucky shrugs "Fine, have fun" he leaves and I go up the stairs towards my room. 

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