Avengers Initiative~ Ironhawk

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AN: I am again, here, same day. Just got back. I don't know what i'm doing with my life anymore, MOVING ON BECAUSE IRONHAWK AWAITS.



I didn't exactly know what we were supposed to be doing. I zone out when fury talks. All I got was aliens, a god, and one of his agents being mind controlled so make sure to watch out for him. I didn't pay much mind to the agent part because truthfully how good could the agent be. I was definitely proven wrong when an entire side of the helicarrier was taken down. I heard Natasha curse before saying a name "Barton". I knew that it was the agent Fury was talking about, but before I could ask she ran off to the back of the plane. I had to go fix the propeller with Steve, who ended up screwing me over. I know he didn't do it on purpose, but that didn't make me any less angry about the fact that I was left in a propeller. We were able to fix the thing and I heard from Natasha that she was able to get Barton, and Hulk got sent down in the tube meant for the god. 

For now, we were stuck. We didn't know where Loki was, but we did get one of our guys back. We however did lose one of our strongest. I figured he would eventually show back up since Hulk wouldn't let Banner die. I was able to figure out that Loki was at my tower and summoning an alien army. We didn't have time to really meet the Barton guy since we had to immediately leave after he came to. He was good looking, I wasn't going to lie there. I knew that both him and Natasha didn't really have any superpowers. Natasha could handle herself though, i've seen it myself. This guy though, all I knew was that he had perfect aim and used a bow. It intrigued me how well he shot without anything on his bow to help with his accuracy. I found myself often watching him on the roof, shooting aliens and basically watching all of our backs. I heard him and Natasha occasionally arguing over the comms. I was a little curious to their relationship, it wasn't like I was jealous or anything, just curious.


I've had several missions keeping an eye on Stark. After his whole kidnapping debacle, Fury often assigned me to check in on him and make sure he wasn't dying. He, of course, did not know that I was watching him. I did know that he keeps looking at me. I didn't know why. I still don't. A lot of them are probably watching me because I did try to kill them, so I guess that's a reason. I also don't have anything special about me like the rest of them. I just had good aim. I leaned on that a lot. I also had good sight, but that would eventually go away. Getting mind controlled made me pissed. I was in no mood for it, and Loki only rubbed it in my face since he knew I was conscious of what was going on. Stark was distracting me from putting an arrow into his eyes though, and that made me a little annoyed. 

I was so distracted that I didn't notice I had run out of arrows. I lost track of what they were doing, muttered a warning about me not being able to keep an eye out for them anymore into the comms, then jumped off of a building. The crash into the window hurt like a bitch. I felt glass dig into my arms and face as I rolled into the office area. I realized that I never pressed the button to cut off my comms after I cursed and rolled. I lifted my arm and turned it off before painfully standing up and taking a breath before running down the stairs of the building. I finally made it outside and focused on getting people out of debris. I did that until I heard them talking on the comms again "Tony what are you doing?". I looked up and saw him flying into the giant hole with a missile. Everyone was on edge as we saw that he wasn't coming out. Then the hole started shrinking and he still wasn't out. I was walking forward when I saw him fall back through the hole. Something was off and I noticed it immediately.

He was unconscious as he was falling. I ran to the estimated spot he was going to land. Everyone was already there. He was still falling, but Hulk had jumped up and grabbed him. I heard almost everyone let out a breath. He landed with him and pulled off his mask. Natasha moved over next to me and patted my shoulder. I nodded to her and we watched as Tony was unresponsive. Hulk then yelled and he was somehow alive. I didn't know how or why, but I just went with it. The first thing he says is "Please tell me nobody kissed me". Natasha rolled her eyes and I laughed a little. She shook her head and pulled me with her "Come on, we still have to deal with Loki". We made it up to the floor and I saw him still unconscious. The others followed soon and we all noticed him waking up. I pulled an extra arrow I found out of my quiver and pulled the string back. 

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