Professor~ ClinCoulson

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AN: I recently read a story of this and I don't know why I found it cute, at this point there's something wrong with me lol. Besides the point, enjoy reading another piece of shit. It's still going to be short because I don't feel like long complex chapters right now. YES IT'S GOING TO BE BASIC AND CLICHE BECAUSE I'M A BASIC BITCH.....OBVIOUSLY. 

So I have been debating on posting this chapter for a while, and my friend keeps hyping this chapter up. Now here I am, posting it. Please be nice in the comments I don't feel like dealing with that shit.



I didn't talk much. It's the main reason I didn't get in much trouble. If you didn't talk back, you didn't get in trouble. A lot of people didn't understand that, so when I was the only one that didn't get in trouble in professor Coulson's class, they claimed that I was sleeping with him. I felt my cheeks heat up slight, but they got in trouble and class was dismissed. I was not going to lie, Mr. Coulson was hot. He was 27 and wouldn't be with a 20 year old student, so I didn't get my hopes up when he told me to stay after. I walked over to his desk where he was standing "Yes?" he leaned against his desk. "You alright? It was inappropriate for them to say that" I nod "It's fine". He nodded "Alright, you can go". I left the classroom getting a look from Natasha "What?". She rolls her eyes "Why are you so blind?". She walks away, leaving my confused in the halls and by myself because she's mean to me.

I roll my eyes and walk back to my dorm, that I share with the smartest guy ever. His name is Tony Stark, yes THE Tony Stark. Stark industries was big and I, of course, being his roommate got a lot of attention. It didn't help that every woman thought he was hot and chased him around everywhere. Naturally, my dorm room was swarmed. I pushed through the crowd, ignoring questions and requests, to the door. I unlocked the door and slammed it shut before breathing out "Hey roomie, how's the crowd?". I roll my eyes "Horrible, you seriously need to tell them to go fuck themselves". He laughs and rolls over to my bed where I face planted "Hard day?". I turn so I was facing him and he had a knowing smirk "Natasha told you!". He puts his hands up before looking back at me "So what did he want when he called you back in?". I shake my head "Some kids were making comments and he was making sure I was ok". He hums before whistling "Aw he cares" I flip him off "Shut up, and when are you just going to tell all those women that you're gay?". 

He shrugs "Would give the industry a bad image, I would if I could honestly". I nod and drop it, knowing that he gets agitated about what he can and can't do because of his name. I smirk "How's it going with the tall new guy?". He rolls his eyes before rolling back to his desk and I sit up "Come on I know you like mystery boy". He hums "I learned his name" I sit in my chair and roll over to his desk where he wasn't working. "I'm listening" he laughs "We spoke a little bit in my psyche class ok?". I smile "Still think it's funny you picked up that class because you knew he was in it". He rolls his eyes "Uh-huh, moving back to you since you like to avoid subjects, your birthday is coming up". I nod "Yep, so?" he leans over and sets a small box in front of me. I flip him off "I told you not to get me anything". 

He scoffs "Please I never break a promise, I didn't get it for you, I made it for you". I give him my 'smartass' look before opening the gift "Damn" he smiles "Knew you would like them". Sitting neatly in the box was a pair of violet colored hearing aids. "How'd you know?" he smiles and shrugs "Saw you fiddling with the ones in your ears while you were working, figured they weren't working". I shake my head "Thanks Tony" he shrugs "They're surprisingly easy to make when you know how much of someone's hearing is gone". I shake my head "Alright I get it, you're smart. I'm going to bed alright, try to get some sleep Tony".He nods and gives me a thumbs up "Nighty Night Clinton" I flipped him off as I went back over to my bed and lied down. "Nighty Night Anthony" I fell asleep to the sound of Tony working on something at his desk like usual.

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