Mountains~ Ironstrange

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AN: this was inspired by the photo above, but not snowy. You will find out when this took place. Also this is probably the last Ironstrange



It feels like i've been here for hours, but I really think i've been here for about half an hour "sir, would you like me to contact the other Avengers" I nod and sigh "yes FRIDAY please do that.." I trailed off as I felt my body start to give out. I leaned against the wall "FRIDAY did you contact them" I throw rocks across the room "I have been trying sir, but nobody will answer" I sigh as the cold makes my skin numb "FRIDAY contact anyone..." I close my eyes and felt my body slump to the floor.

When I woke up I was still here but I was warmer "what?" I jump back, but a hand lands on the back of my head to make sure I didn't hit my head on the wall "woah watch it Stark" I recognized the voice, but I couldn't quite place it yet. I sit up "you look like hell hang on" an arm goes across my shoulder blades to help me walk, in a minute I was welcomed by warm air "here" a fire started randomly and I immediately knew who this was "Strange?". He nodded and laid me on this couch type thing "what time is it" I hold my head but feel the cold radiating off of me "6:30" I nod "ok 35 minutes" he walks over "ok your face and hands have frostbite, but it doesn't look like you have hypothermia, though you could".

He makes the fire go away "using that will make it worse, so give me about 10 minutes and try to stay awake until I get back" I waited for him to get back patiently "ok put your hands in this bowl" a bowl was set in my lap as he said this. The water was warm and close to hot but no quite there "leave it there for about 20 minutes, now don't flinch away it will scrape and hurt" I nod a little confused until a rag touches my face "you can go to sleep now" I nod as he stops dabbing my face for the moment. I tried to sleep but my hands in the water started tingling as they were getting warmer, I shift uncomfortably and wince when the rag scrapes my face "damn you" a hand is placed where the rag scraped, his hand was cold and distracted me from the tingling long enough for me to drift off.

I woke up after my nap in a cold sweat "fuck.." Steve betrayed me and left me to die, I thought he was my friend and it hurt every time I remembered he left for some guy who killed my parents "you took a while to wake up". I nod and look over at Stephen who had entered the room "do you know where the other Avengers are" he nods "on their way, it's going to take a while though" I nod "do they know what happened" he shook his head "not even I know what happened" I nod. It was probably better to keep it that way anyway "do I not get to know" I shrug "it's not important, just made a mistake that's all" he nodded with suspicion "they'll be here in half an hour, you would feel better if you slept until then" I nodded and laid back down on the couch to take another small nap.

I woke up to someone shaking me awake "hm?" Bruce was in front of me "hey bud, Stephen told us how he found you, sorry I couldn't answer I don't really have a phone right now" he sent a glare to Thor who was standing close by. I nod "it's fine.." my voice was groggy and laced with sleep, I felt myself shivering and was forgetting a couple things "i'm having a hard time... thinking". He nodded "yeah, Stephen told us you probably had hypothermia,and we had looked up the symptoms, you're going to have a hard time processing things, remembering events, and staying warm". I nodded as another chill ran up my spine "I can tell with most of them" he nods as well "we figured you wouldn't have slurred speech with how much you drink, your body is probably immune" both of us laugh at the small joke he made.

I nod "who's here" he points to Thor "they others dropped by making sure you were ok, but they still had a mission so me and Thor volunteered to stay behind and make sure you don't hurt yourself". I smirk "and because you two are probably the only ones who can stand the wizard" he laughs and nods "that too, and that we're the only ones he can stand as well, besides Nat" I stand still feeling drowsy "you going to be alright" I nod "yeah i'm fine". I forgot that Stephen was here and jumped when he popped up out of nowhere "fucking hell you scared the shit out of me" I cross my arms to get warmth and the fire starts "you're welcome" I stick my tongue out at his snarky comments and go to sit by the fire.

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