Bed~ Ironhawk

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AN: Inspiration from some clip I saw. Don't even know what it was called since it was TikTok. Can't even tell you what it was guys, sorry.


I was hired to help out with the Stark's business. I knew they had a son, but I didn't know what he looked like. They didn't have any photos that I could see, so I was left in the dark. All I knew was that his name was Tony, and he was off doing something for the summer. He was 16 just like me, but there was a major difference. He had parents. Mine died in a fire when I was 11. My brother died then, too, so I was left by myself. I was trying to make rent, but it was difficult since I was 16 and could only work part time. Tony was rumored to be hot but a playboy. I don't judge by rumors, so I just went on with the mystery. I was finally done with my last bit of work around 8 and was about to head back to my apartment. Mr Stark approached me. "You need a ride to get your medicine, or are you walking?" I shake my head."No, sir, I don't mind the walk." he nods. "Are you sure? I have to go pick my son up from the airport anyway. I hesitated for a minute before nodding. "Sure." he nods, and I get into the passenger seat of his car.

After finding out about my situation with the rent a couple of months ago, Mr Stark told me they had the room for me to move in and insisted. So here I am. He drove me to the pharmacy, and I got out "Thanks Mr Stark." he nods, glancing behind me. "Sure, if you need a ride any other time, just ask." I nodded "Sure be right back," he waved "Alright". I closed the door and walked towards the building. He was watching me as I made my way to the door of the pharmacy. I was glad he did, though, since my old neighbor approached me. "Hey kid," I froze for a second. "Hey?" this guy never spoke to me, so it was creepy. "Heard you were short on cash. I have a way you can make some. " I shook my head. "I'm good. Got a job, y'know. " he put his hand on the door to stop me from going in."Come on, beautiful, it's easy. " I was at a loss for words and took a small step back. "I'm good, man, just don't call me that." he grabs my arm and smashes my head against the bricks of the building when he notices Mr Stark. I slid against the wall and hit the ground. My sight was getting blurry as I saw Mr Stark coming up quickly. The back of my head hit the brick softly as I passed out.


I was waiting for my dad for a while. He was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago, and I was getting a little worried. He finally pulled up, and I put my suitcase in the trunk before getting in the passenger seat. My dad sent me a nod. "How was your summer at Steven's?" I shrugged."Pretty good, still gets on my nerves sometimes. " he nods as he starts driving off. "While you were gone, I found out something about that boy I was talking about to you. He needed a place to stay, so I let him move in. He's in the room next to yours, but be quiet when you go in. He's had a rough night. " I nodded curiously, wondering why the guy needed a place to stay and what had happened tonight. "Alright, I can do that," he nods and continues driving back to the house. He pulled in, and I made my way up to my room. I passed out immediately after laying across the bed. I woke up to my alarm going off around 8 am. I pulled myself out of bed and threw on some sweatpants and a random shirt. After exiting my room, I noticed that the room next to mine had some noises emitting from it. I knocked on the door lightly but didn't get an answer. I shrugged it off and went downstairs to get an apple before my run.


I shot up out of bed and looked around to try and process where I was. I sighed in relief at the familiar room and fell back on the bed. My head was pounding, and I felt like I got hit by a car. A knock on my door pulled me from my death, but I was not going to get up yet. I would fall if I even tried. I heard the retreating footsteps as I pulled my arms over my eyes. An hour later, my door opened slowly, and I peeked out from under my arms slightly. "How are you feeling, sweetie?" Mrs Stark was smiling and shut the door softly behind her. I sat up slowly and moved to sit on the edge of the bed "Crappy". She nods with a small smile and hands me some Tylenol. "Take the day off, Clinton. Get some rest. You took a nasty hit to your head. " I nod as I take the Tylenol. She pulls me up "Let's get you something to eat." I followed her to the kitchen slowly, trying not to fall down the stairs. I didn't know how my head looked right now, but I figured it was pretty bad. I sat at the table and lowered my head to rest on my arms. A little bit later, the front door opened. I heard footsteps jogging up the stairs. I knew it wasn't Mr. Stark, so I figured it was their son.

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