Hell~ Winterhawk

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AN: Yeah I don't know how this on is going to go.


The number of rules that come with being an angel is driving me crazy. I was not happy with my current situation. We had to take a boring ass class to actually be able to go down to earth. I huffed in annoyance as the teacher droned on about not bothering the living, not speaking with demons, not speaking with literally anyone, and so on. I was dozing off by the end, but I made it through. I had a demon best friend. I was not going to tell anybody that. Her name is Nat, and she can be a little pushy at times about me getting out there and doing stuff. She finally managed to get me to take the class so that we could actually hang out face to face. The first thing I did when I got out of that class was go down to earth. Nat was waiting for me, but I was nervous about being caught. The punishment is supposed to be vile. Unfortunately for them, I work with Fury, and he can bail me out of anything. I know this because I tend to ignore the rules half the time. 

I landed next to Nat, making her smile ear to ear. "Hey, took you long enough to get down here" I huffed and crossed my arms. "Ha, ha you're so funny. You should be a comedian" she nods with a smile "I know". I shook my head in defeat and walked with her through the park. I was a sunny day, and the sun was blaringly hot. However, I still managed to get caught talking to a demon. It wasn't by an angel though. Another extremely attractive brunette and shorter brunette walked over. Nat put a hand on my shoulder to keep me from running off. "Romanoff, you know you're not supposed to be talking to angels. You're gonna get yourself in trouble with Steve" Nat smiled a little. "Tony, you know i'm not afraid of Steve Rogers" the shorter brunette shrugged. "Just thought I should warn you" he then sat next to Nat on the bench, leaving the extremely attractive brunette to sit next to me. He didn't look the least bit fazed that I was an angel. 


Natasha told me she was meeting with someone she thought I would be interested in, but failed to tell me he was an angel. I didn't care, but this could put his life on the line. Judging by how he was talking to Natasha the entire time, I don't think he cares much. He was a cute short blonde with the most amazing blue eyes I had ever seen. I thought Steve had amazing eyes, but this guy definitely had him beat. Maybe that's just because everything else about him seemed to be amazing, but I don't care right now. He was nervous when we walked up, and I figured Natasha didn't tell him we were meeting her here. Tony took the seat next to Natasha, aware of the setup she made. She didn't know that I knew about it. I sat next to him, and he seemed to be fidgeting a lot more. I just left it alone, figuring he was nervous about being caught. It was cute to watch him get anxious. I would definitely be seeing more of this one. Natasha has tried to set me up multiple times, but she said she actually knew him very well this time. The others did not end up well to say the least.


I could see him analyzing me as Tony and Nat were talking. I was acting like I was paying attention to their conversation, but I felt like he could see right through me. I haven't felt this exposed since I had to get a physical. I looked up and cringed when I saw Fury on his way down. Nat looked up when she saw my reaction "Oh no". I nod and put my face in my hands. Fury lands "Barton" I looked up with a smile. "Hi Fury, funny story" he shakes his head with his arms crossed. "You were told not to talk to a demon, and you manage to find three of them, sit on a park bench, in the open, and talk with them. I have to say you've out done yourself here" I nod and huff. "Listen, this is not as bad as the fire" he nods "You keep it up and you're going to be banished. I know you have a thing about being told what to do, but I can't bail you out of being banished for talking to demons". I nod "Yeah, I know" he nodded back. "The fire was definitely better than this. I could at least get you out of that" leaving me with that, he flew off. I leaned back, making my back thump against the bench. Nat shook her head "You started a fire?" I throw my hands up "It was an accident". 

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