Neighbors~ Part 2

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AN: My friend yelled at me for a cliffhanger and commented on the story to here is part 2.


I Make sure Peter isn't listening in before taking a deep breath. I go to my lab and lock the door just in case, then I put the tape in. The first thing that played was a bunch of pictures from when Clint was younger, but I couldn't really make out what a lot of them were. Either way, it cut to a guy sitting in a chair "Hello S.H.I.E.L.D. and Mr. Stark". I lean back in my chair and cross my arms "I know it's probably been a long couple of years for a couple of you, but we had to get everything we could out of Clint". I narrow my eyes at the screen "We didn't get much, mostly when he was sleep talking, but we still got some stuff, S.H.I.E.L.D. does train their agents very well". He goes quiet while someone came on screen and whispered something to him "The next thing you're about to see is very graphic, so get little Peter out the room and any agents with weak stomachs, or don't". He smiles widely and if i'm being honest it was really creepy "Alright, lets go". The screen goes black for a second before it shows Clint with his wrists chained to the ceiling. 

I leaned forward and took in his appearance, he had bruises, cuts, and burns all over his body. He was shirtless and couldn't stay standing so he was just hanging by his wrists. I was guessing something was definitely broken. He was as pale as a ghost and blood was everywhere, though I didn't know why he said to take agents with a weak stomach out. He was probably just trying to scare us "Well Clinton this is probably going to be one of the last times we see each other, maybe even the last". Clint looked up and I winced when I got a glimpse of his face, which was bruised, bloody, and swollen. One of his eyes wouldn't even open so he was left with one eye that was half closed. He smiled as best as he could "That mean I don't have to see your ugly ass any more?". That earned him a punch, and I was just glad to see that he was still himself. "You like the new brass knuckles? Yeah me too" he showed the camera, while I just scoffed at the childish nature of it. "We decided that we really don't need him anymore, we're not really getting anything out of him, so we've decided to put him somewhere you only have a .1% chance of finding him". He smiled "All you have to do is solve the riddle and figure out the coordinates".

(I'm too lazy to think of a complicated riddle so imagine that there was a really complicated riddle written on the screen at the end of this video)

"If you don't find him within 2 months, he will automatically be killed, squashed" the video ended with a riddle. I immediately wrote it down and got to work "Just a riddle, should be simple". I didn't know how long it would take, but it apparently took 7 weeks. "I finally figured it out" I put the x,y coordinates in my computer. Turned out he was in a park in Montauk "I'm a little surprised they didn't take him further". My lab door opened "Dad?" I look back at him "Hey Pete". He leans against the door jam "You haven't eaten in weeks, are you okay?" I nod "Yeah I have some small meals down here, for emergencies". He nods "Okay, I have a trip, i'm about to leave, you gonna be okay by yourself?". I nod "Yeah bud, have fun on your trip okay" he nods "Bye, see you in 2 days". I wave and he runs off, then I pull on my jacket and run out of the building "Jarvis, keep an eye on Pete for me". I ran out of the building after hearing Jarvis reply "Of course sir". I got in my car and drove the hour and three minutes to Montauk, but when I arrived to the park, I realized the park was huge. I sighed and hit my head against the steering wheel, before looking at the riddle again to try and figure out where in the park he could be. I couldn't figure it out, it was one of the only things that somehow had me beat. 

It took me a good ten minutes of regret, frustration, and guilt to remember what the guy said. He said that Clint would be squashed. I cursed and got out of the car before running across the park, getting weird stares along the way from night joggers. I sprinted to the only place that was underground "How did they even squeeze their asses down here?". I saw how big that guy was, there was no way he could've gotten down here. Either way I climbed down the complex rocks before sliding down a make shift slide. I land with a thump at the bottom and wince feeling the hot liquid running down my temple. I looked around before hearing shuffling in a corner, and turned on the flashlight on my phone. I saw Clint passed out in the corner and knelt next to him "Clint? Come on, please be alive". I felt his neck for his pulse "Come on, come on" I felt a light pulse and sighed in relief. "Thank you" I picked him up bridal style and carefully climbed up the slide type structure before he woke up. I head butted me and I dropped his legs to hold my nose "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ok that hurt really bad". He shook his head and blinked rapidly "Tony?" I nod "Yep, hi". I rubbed the blood that was starting to run out of my nose "Sorry, I just thought they came back to set the trap for you". 

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