Normality~ Clincoulson

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AN: Still not sure if I like this ship.


Working at a coffee shop gave me some sort of normality. I enjoyed it. My real job was as an assassin. It was vital that I kept this under wraps, so I did. Working at a coffee shop made me seem normal. I was one of the top assassins, which meant that people paid a lot of money for me. I don't work for anyone, which confuses a lot of people. I just don't want to be tied to someone. Apparently, this caught up to me today. I knew it was someone here to get me when he walked in. He was good looking and gave me the name Phil for his drink. I played along and gave him his drink while he sat across the restaurant looking at me. I guess he knew that I already figured it out. People think they can come to kill me and succeed, or they want me to work under them. Neither of those ever happens. It eventually was closing time and I started cleaning up around the shop. 

I caught the dark that almost hit my neck and shook my head before throwing it back at someone else that came in for backup. I kicked the door open, shattering it when it hit the person behind in. I ran around the building, into the alley, and up the fire escape. I didn't make a sound as I did this an stayed low. I looked back to see if anyone followed, which led to me hitting the ground hard. I didn't jump far enough and fell to the ground in an alley. The world spun and stars lined my vision as I tried to stay conscious. I blinked and a figure was over me. I was up in seconds despite my inability to see very well. I used my hearing to block hits and locate who it was to land a hit. A hand grabbed my shoulder, spun me around and put a needle in my neck. I found the good looking guy holding me up before I passed out.

I woke up tied to a table and had a blindfold over my eyes. I huffed and gave up on pulling the chains. I jumped when a hand touched my upper arm "It's alright, we're going to get that thing out of you". I was on my stomach and felt someone messing with the back of m neck. "It's just going to be a little pressure and it will be over" the hand moved to my shoulder blade and was rubbing circles. I felt something get pulled out of my neck before I fell limp and passed out again. I woke up tied to a chair and I didn't know what any of the memories I had were. Someone I recognized from them was sitting in a chair beside the bed I was tied to. Another was standing across the room with the good looking guy. "Clint?" I blinked and rubbed my face, suddenly remembering a lot. "What happened?" nobody said anything "Nat?" she smiled. "I was really hoping it was you" I nodded and looked at Fury and Coulson. 

"You were taken during a mission gone wrong. Next time we saw you, you didn't remember any of us or where you came from" I nodded at Nat as she spoke. "They put a chip in my neck, but you already knew that since you took it out" Fury nods "They sent me a video of the procedure and said good luck finding him, so I took it as a personal challenge". I nodded and let my head his the bed "My head is killing me". Nat smiled and put a hand on my shoulder "Glad to have you back birdie". She put a hand on my forearm before leaving with Fury. Phil was the only one left in the room "How much do you remember?". I smiled a little "All of it" he cracked a smile. "I was hoping you remembered" he put his hand on my cheek after walking over. I nodded and he pressed his lips to mine quickly.

After he pulled away he sighed "You didn't even recognize me". I put my hand over his "I do now. I won't let that happen again". He nods "The Avengers Initiative is in play and Fury wants you to be part of it". I nod "Alright, when?" he looks back as other people came in the room. Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, some weird looking guy with long hair, and Nat were standing there. "Come on Barton. We need to get going if we're going to beat Loki" I recognized Steve as the one I threw the dart at. I nodded and stood "Where to?" Nat smiles "Stark tower". I glanced at Tony and nodded before following them. Before leaving, I turned to look at Coulson and smiled "Glad you finally got to meet him". He smiled and nodded "Go save the world, then come home and we'll binge watch Lord of the Rings while eating pizza". I nodded and ran to catch up with the group.

AN: Wanted to have a really short one in here.

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