Heir~ Amerihawk

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AN: Didn't know what to name this one at first


There was a lot of things I didn't know about my family. What happened to them, how they could just disappear, why my brother was taken and not me, whether or not they left me on purpose. The list went on forever. I didn't care at this point. They were gone and I would never see them again. I have been adopted by a very well off family. I was going to be the heir to their fortune. My adoptive mother couldn't have kids. She was infirtile due to an accident when she was younger. They decided that telling me about their past would help me open up, but that's not something i'm interested in. Either way, I was almost 18. This would be good news for most, but not for me. I wish I wasn't adopted by a well off family. I was going to have to be married off to another well off family. It was something about the business they were in. I didn't know who it was, nor the gender. I didn't care. I've been passed around to be other people's burden ever since I can remember. My father never wanted kids. He was fine with Barney since it was just one kid, but I was the biggest mistake. If the asshole would've worn a condom, I never would've been born. Not my fault he made dumb decisions.

Can't help that now. Right now I was in my room trying to figure out how to actually get a tie on. That was my problem right now. Later, I would be meeting whoever I was going to marry tonight. I was told that they just turned 20, so they're about 2 years and a couple weeks older than me. My adoptive mother knocked on the door and smiled when she saw me trying to figure out the tie. "Here" she took the tie and started tying it. Nothing was said while she did this "I know that my husband told everyone not to tell you anything about the person you're marrying, but I thought you should know". My attention was now on her as she adjusted the collar of my shirt "It's a he". She patted my shoulder and left me to think about that. After tonight, I was going to have to get to know him better. I knew that from the beginning. I didn't want to marry someone I don't love. It's not fair. If I knew that this was going to be my fate, I would've died with my family. I wouldn't have fought after he slit my throat. The scar across my neck was very obvious. He didn't cut deep enough to kill me, but he did leave a hell of a scar. I had no choice in this matter. I was going to be stuck with someone I didn't know for the rest of my life. I just hoped he would leave me alone and go off with someone he did care about. I didn't want him to pretend either. 

I made sure my hearing aids weren't obvious before I left the room to go downstairs. Preparations were being taken for the party. We already had people showing up. I was waiting for my adoptive father to call me over to where he was when my fiance came in. I kept to myself until then. The reason I was being married off was because I was never trained to take care of their business. They just had to have someone to give it to and marry off to keep it going. The business would be in the hands of my husband and I would be left to myself. I waited until my adoptive father waved me over and made my way over. When I saw who I was marrying, I had mixed feelings. He was definitely taller than me, blue eyes, blonde hair, and a very genuine smile. "Clint this is Steve Rogers. Your fiance" I shook his hand as his eyes went straight to my neck. I got nervous that he was going to mention it, but he didn't. It was weird since it was the first thing my adoptive parents asked about. "Nice to meet you. I heard you were good at science" he put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me away from the adults. "Yeah. I am" he nodded and glanced over his shoulder. "Seemed a little awkward back there" I shrugged and he sat with me at a table. "Well, I have a friend. His name is Tony. He's way too good with science. I think you two would get along pretty well" I nodded and picked at my fingers that were in my lap.

I didn't know what to think of him. He was nice and good at reading situations, but I didn't want to marry ayone. I was unhappy about this decision that was made about me. It's the entire reason I was adopted. "My parents told me very little about you. You're adopted, and smart" I nod "I wasn't told anything about you if i'm being honest. I wasn't even told if I was marrying a man or woman". He frowned "I don't think that's a good way to treat a situation like this. Especially since you didn't grow up in this environment". I shook my head "I didn't really care if I'm being honest. I learned to just roll with it". He smiled and I was entranced "Sometimes rolling with something can be smart, but other times it's better to fight". I nodded "Yeah, I figured that out too". He nodded back "I know" his eyes were trained on my neck and I felt a little subconscious about the scar. I was always told that it was a nasty scar. I know that many meant that it looked like it probably hurt, but others meant that it was disgusting. I would get passed up on being adopted because of the scar. Nobody wants damaged goods. I figured that the scar didn't matter when I was adopted since they were going to pass me off to someone else anyway. It wouldn't have been their problem to deal with.

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