Phobias~ Hawksilver

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AN: basically this is an AU where the avengers live in the tower and Pietro didn't die, he just went behind the car along with Clint and the kid. Remember the ages? if not Clint=26 and Pietro=20.



I pulled the bow back again and again looking over the same moment in my head, the fucking kid risked everything to save me and the boy and ended up getting shot "Clint" I ignored whoever it was watching the kid fall. He got shot in the shoulder and it was dangerously close to his heart, if he was even an inch to the right he would've died "Clint?" I kept pulling the bow back and letting go, hitting the target in a spiral "Clint!". Natasha grabs my shoulder and makes me turn to face her "what?" she grabs my hand and I realize I wasn't wearing my finger guards "oh" drops of blood were running down my hand "I can take care of it". She rolls her eyes and pulls me by the hand to the medical wing "sit" she points to a chair and I do as she says, mostly since we were in the little room that kind of looked like a nurses office and I had no escape for if I talked back. 

She walks over with a mini first aid kit and pulls up a chair before sitting down "don't do this to yourself Clint" I let her wash off my hand and wrap my fingers "he could've died Tasha" she nods "yeah well he didn't, he's alive, but you won't be for long if you keep refusing to rest, you caught a virus so get your ass upstairs and lie down on the couch". I shake my head "i'm fine Nat I can take care of myself" she pushes me out the door and towards the elevator "apparently not, so go up there and lay down so I can keep an eye on you while doing some paper work". I roll my eyes and let her push me into the elevator to take me to the living room "go lay down" I sigh and walk towards the couch "yeah, yeah" I saw the kid in a chair in the living room and ignored him as I flopped onto the couch facing towards the back of the couch. 

After about 10 minutes I sat up and was about to get up bored of just sitting there "Clint if you get off that couch i'll stab you" I groan and lay back onto the couch this time on my back "what's going on" I look at Pietro upside down "Nat's keeping me prisoner". Nat walked around the couch and set her files on the table "he caught a virus and insists that he can take care of himself but he was in the training room to sick to even realize he didn't have his finger guards on". I flip he off and she rolls her eyes then sits right above my head "what are you working on" she shakes her head "Clint if you try to work with me I will slip a sleeping pill in your food, or shove NyQuil down your throat". I roll onto my side "uh-huh" she starts running her left hand through my hair and writing something down with her right hand "if I promise not to work will you tell me" she glances at me and smirks before speaking "child trafficker, 49 years old, Derek Miller" I nod and felt my eyes getting heavy "cheater.." I saw her smile before I fell asleep.


I saw her smile triumphantly "works every time, surprised he still falls for it" I watched as his body slowly relaxed as he fell deeper into sleep "why doesn't he like to rest when he's sick" she looks at the clock on the wall "you'll find out in about an hour and a half". I nodded suspiciously "what about the trafficker" she shrugs "I can't do anything about it for about a week" I set my book aside "why" she throws her files to the table "because Clint is supposed to be my partner on it, and he's usually sick for about a week, mostly since he doesn't get sick often so the ones that get by hit him hard". I nod and grab the remote "what would you like to watch" she shrugs "anything not boring, maybe in about an hour turn on a cartoon for when Clint wakes up" I nod again and scroll through channels to see what was on.


Only one person in the world knows I have Nyctophobia, of course it's Nat and if you didn't know what Nyctophobia was look it up because I don't feel like explaining "Spongebob is filled with dirty jokes". I felt Nat move while she laughs, I opened my eyes and felt consumed with darkness "Clint?" I shot up and looked around focusing on the light trying to make out everything around me. Nat touched my arm "we have Spongebob on". I look at the T.V. and see the familiar face of Patrick, then I notice Pietro still there and lay back on the couch refusing to go back to sleep "Nightmare? or..." Natasha shook her head and I just put my arm over my face, making sure light could be seen. I stand and stretch "i'll be back" I was into the kitchen and with my luck couldn't find the light "shit.." I felt like there were things there that I couldn't see trying to grab at me and there was nothing I could do since I couldn't see them. 

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