Demons~ Ironhawk

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AN: Don't ask me man this is an AU where Clint is a demon and Tony is an angel just roll with it.



Being a demon had is pros and cons. More like being a demon has 1 pro and 10 million cons. The only good thing about being a demon is that we live forever. I like living a long time because I get to see the way the humans change over the years. They're fascinating creatures, and I like to watch them live their every day lives. The only problem is the angels don't like when we go up to the surface, they think we're trying to hurt the humans. I don't want to hurt them, I just want to observe them. Luckily, I haven't been caught watching them yet. Any demon that does get caught up there, are taken to heaven. Nobody knows what happens when you get taken up there because the last person that got taken up there got taken about 50 trillion years ago. All the demons from back then got killed. "Hey Clint" I smile at my friend Natasha as she runs to catch up to me "Hey Nat". She frowns "You're not seriously going up again are you" I sigh "I go up on the same day every month Nat". She shakes her head "You're going to get killed, i'm worried Clint". 

My smile, that had disappeared, came back "I knew you cared". She flipped me off "Don't get caught ok? I don't want to see you dead". I nod "Alright I won't get caught". I've done this a million times before, but today was different. I was a little hesitant to go through the gates of hell. I ignored the feeling in my stomach and went through the gates. I went to my favorite person to watch, who was James Barnes. He was interesting and often had nightmares, which resulted in him not sleeping at night. I let my wings fold behind me and sat in the corner of his living room to watched him sit on his couch and eat cereal while watching Spongebob. My wings were a deep purple with a black fade at the bottom. Some demons were envious of my wings, while others admired them. I took very good care of them and didn't let anyone but Natasha touch them. I was protective of them and hated when they were dirty, even if you couldn't see the dirt because of how dark they were. 

Either way I followed him out of the living room and into his kitchen. I froze in the doorway and moved back away from the kitchen. I peeked around the corner at the angel that was standing in the kitchen. I assumed it was James' guardian angel, and I really didn't want to figure out what would happen if he saw me. The angel had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was really built. "You have a demon attached to you Buck" I felt my heart start to pound in my chest. I knew some people called James Bucky, and I also knew the demon the angel was talking about was me. I took a step back and bumped into the side table, I froze and felt my heart stop. I took more steps back when the angel left the kitchen and saw me "What is a demon doing out of hell?". I bumped into the wall "I just watch the humans in their every day life, i'm not hurting them". He hums and crosses his arms "Well, I can tell you're not lying, and also on the young side aren't you?". I shrug "I guess, I don't know" he nods "What's your name?". I cross my arms "Barton, Clint Barton" he nods again "I'm Steve Rogers, I look over Buck, he was my best friend when I was alive, i'm on the young side too". I uncross my arms as more angels show up "Good work Steve, we've been trying to find the demons that have decided to go against the rules". I let my wings out to try and leave, but I was stopped by them grabbing my wings. 

I pulled out of their grip and fell to the ground, then folded my wings behind my back again so that they wouldn't damage them. Because I never let anyone mess with them, they were really sensitive. "Don't let him get away!" I covered my head with my hands and brought my knees up to my chest. "Hey don't hurt him, he's not fighting back" it was a new voice and he sounded about as young as Steve. When I looked through my arms I saw a really good looking brunette standing next to Steve. "Dad! make them stop, he's not doing anything" they were grabbing at my arms and legs. I heard whoever's dad that was speak "There's nothing I can do, it's not my orders they're following". I fought back against them as hard as I could, but these angels were way older than I was, and way stronger. They overpowered me easily, but I stretched my wings and pushed them off with my wings. It hurt a lot and I was sure my wings would be bruised, but I still flew out of the house and as far away from the house as possible. I was fast, but I crashed in the woods and felt my left wing pop. I winced and rolled onto my right side, still keeping my left wing pulled closer to my side. I couldn't fold my wings in when they were like this, so they were stuck out. I also couldn't fly like this, meaning I was stuck here until it healed. 

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