Petrified~ Ironhawk

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AN: Yet again i'm here. After this chapter I will do an apology for making Steve kind of an asshole.


The tower has been a goddamn nightmare since the twins showed up. They are extremely energetic and I am not. I don't sleep well, so that may be why. That doesn't matter though, since I'm basically being tortured and Nat keeps laughing at me about it. I was minding my own business this morning, trying to get some paperwork done for Fury. I got up to refill my coffee, when Pietro decided to make his entrance. I winced as he bumped into me while I had the coffee pot in hand. Scolding hot coffee when all over my hands and shirt. He paused in a panic and turned around, but I was too distracted to notice. I pulled the shirt off since there was still hot coffee on it making it a million times worse as I dropped the coffee pot an mug. Both shattered at my feet and I leaned my back against the counter. 

My head hit the cabinet as I thought about how much it fucking hurt. I took ragged breaths and tried not to step on glass surrounding my feet. Pietro went to say something, but I sent a glare that made him stop. He looked off guilty and left to go get someone else. I figured it was going to be Nat, and I didn't feel like getting laughed at. I get laughed at on a daily. I left quickly, aware of the foot prints I was leaving on the floor. I told Jarvis not to tell Tony where I was as I climbed into the vents. He agreed and I made my way to a secluded section. I laid on my back and tried not to think about the immense amount of pain that was shooting through my body. My arms and chest were bright red and blistered in some areas. I didn't know that coffee could do this to you, but I guess I was wrong. I waited for a while before I heard a commotion under where I was laying. 

"He's in the vents, but it's almost impossible to locate him in there" It was Nat, Tony and Pietro below me. "I asked Jarvis, but I was told that Clint told him not to tell me" I tried to keep my breathing even throughout this. I knew eventually Nat would find me and force me to come out, but I didn't want to face anyone right now. "I don't like when he does this" I noticed Pietro give her a curious look. She elaborated "He hides anytime he gets hurt, so that he doesn't worry anyone. Must be bad if he's hiding in the vents". Pietro looked down, guilty "I didn't mean to hit him". She put a hand on his shoulder "He knows. He doesn't blame you. He just doesn't like that he can't tell where you are half of the time. He keeps tabs on mostly everyone, but gave up on me. He knows and sees everything, but he can't see you and it makes him upset".

I huffed, but grit my teeth as I pulled a blister. I couldn't get my breathing under control after that from the pain that shot through me every time I took a breath. I knew Nat would be up here soon since she could hear me. I didn't care right now. I cared that I felt like I couldn't take a breath without pain. I then felt the aching in my feet and look down to see the pool of blood underneath them. I then heard Jarvis "Sir, Barton is in the vents above you losing a lot of blood. I was instructed not to tell you, but concerns have been raised about his health". The grate opened and I met Tony's eyes. He looked over my chest and feet "Holy shit Clint". I hummed and he climbed up. He got me out with the held of Nat and Pietro. I was lowered onto the ground and winced as my chest stung.

Pietro looked at me in surprise and guilt, so I shook my head. "Sfine kid, i'm fine" he looked up in shock. "Your chest is covered in blisters and your feet are bleeding profusely" I nod "Yeah I know". I passed out several times while Tony was handling my burns and cuts. I woke up in my bed with bandages over my chest and feet. I groaned as I felt the pain coming back and tried not to move or breath deeply. Tony came over "Hold on, we're not done yet" his hand rested on my shoulder. I put my hand on his arm as he gave me a shot in my arm. I noticed Nat leaning against the wall and she walked over as the pain killers kicked in. "Why did you hide?" her voice was tentative and she put her hand on my arm. I shake my head "I didn't want to get laughed at again". 

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