Something New~ Hawksilver

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AN: I just wanted to make something i'm not sure what it is but we can just go with it. I also changed a couple things about the script.



I pull the bow back aiming right for the bunker, I let out a breath and let go feeling the arrow scrape against my cheek as if flew across the air "ok.." I waited for an explosion that never came "what the fuck". I turn and pull another arrow back and was about to let go when a whooshing noise flew by me and knocked me off my feet "damn.." I look up "what? you didn't see that coming?" I glare at the kid and was about to shoot him, but he zoomed off. I shiver from the snow that seeped into my uniform and stand only to get shot down by the bunker, I groan at the searing pain running through my side "Clint!" Natasha yells as I drop to the snow again "Clint's hit!" She runs over and bends down next to me and presses a cloth to my side making it feel like fire contrasting the cold from the snow. I winced and groaned "someone want to deal with that bunker?" I heard an explosion type noise "thank you" I let my eyes close and was about to pass out, but heard Natasha "Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac". 

The rest went by in a blur, but all I could think about was that stupid kid, his stupid smirk, his somehow fluffy hair even as he was running around fighting, his stupid comment, and his stupid beautiful blue eyes. I was getting driven crazy by my own stupid thoughts about that stupid kid "uggh" I roll in my bed and answer my phone without checking to see who it was "hey Clint" I sit up "Laura? what are you calling for". I was skipping the stupid party thing downstairs and was planning on laying in bed re-evaluating my life decisions "I need a favor" I hum "alright what is it" I ran a hand through my bed head from all the tossing and turning while waiting for an answer "I want you to take the kids".  I didn't answer for a minute and stared at my purple wall "Laura, throughout our entire divorce you were fighting for those kids, now that its over you just want to give up after you've won?" I was confused and a little angry that she made me go through all that for no reason at all. 

I heard her sigh "I know I just feel like they'll have a better life living with you, they miss you" I threw my legs over the side of my bed "I mean sure, I can take custody if you want" I was hoping having the munchkins around would take my mind off that stupid silver headed kid. I groaned again thinking about him "what's on your mind Clint" I shook my head "just a stupid kid, I can't get him out of my head, little shit got my shot" I heard her laugh "Clint, remember the last time you couldn't get someone out of your head". I grimace "absolutely not, he's just a kid, and again the little shit got me shot" she hummed "right, when can you get the kids" I shrug "whenever, but you do know the avengers will have to find out I have an entire family". I heard her moving stuff around on the other end "yeah, I know, bring them by I want to meet them" I nod a little distracted by the commotion downstairs "hey I have to go talk to you later?" I got up and walked out of my temporary room that was purple thanks to Tony "yeah, come get the kids tomorrow if possible" I nod "yeah, bye" I hand up and walk into the lab "what's going on?".

Bruce sighs "all our work is gone, Ultron cleared out, used the internet as an escape hatch" I hum and cross my arms while leaning against the wall "what is Ultron" Natasha sighs "AI. he's been in everything, files, surveillance, probably knows more about us than we know about each other". She looks at me when she says that bringing all attention to me "what?" she sighs and walks over "he might know about Laura and the kids" I shake my head "it was kept off file, everything was" I just spoke normally while she whispered "what is Barton hiding this time". Tony smiled at me as he said this "it's up my ass wanna check?" I smiled sarcastically at him and he shrugs "I mean sure" I shake my head and looked at Steve as he spoke "Clint we need to know what it was that he might've found, if it's serious enough for Natasha to whisper we need to know".

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