Boss Man~ Amerihawk

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AN: This is a mafia AU because, well, i'm bored. I'm also, again, a basic bitch so we're going with the OG type of Mafia with a twist. 



I woke up to darkness with no memory of the night previous. All I remember was walking home from the convenience store, but after that is nothing. I don't even remember where I was when I was walking, just that I was walking. I was in a cold concrete room, on the floor, and had chains on my ankles, wrists, and neck. There wasn't even a window, so how the breeze got in here? I have no fucking idea. It took me a minute to roll onto my back, but I was starting to get snippets of the night before. I remember the backseat of a truck, a black little tree car freshie, 2 people in the front seat, and the smell of smoky wood. I stopped trying to force memories since a migraine was starting up. It felt like an eternity before someone opened the door. I was rolled facing away from the door, but I heard the squeaky hinges as the door was slowly pushed open. I also saw the light flood into the room so that was a giveaway. 

I heard whispering at first, but it stopped and footsteps made their way over to me. I closed my eyes since they thought I was asleep still. "He should be up by now, how much did you give him" the voice sounded like it was right next to me. "He just turned 18, so I gave him the right amount, you were there" the other voice sounded closer, and was a woman. The first voice was a man's voice. "Hang on lemme see, move dumb shit" she seemed like she was done with his shit. After she said that, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I jumped and grabbed her wrist before pushing it away. I threw myself to the side and the guy let out a really unmanly yell. I almost laughed when he dragged the woman down to the ground with him. "Dammit Tony, let go" I looked between them during this. 

The woman sighed before looking to me "Well we can bring him out now that we know he's awake". The guy, Tony I think his name was, nodded "Yeah, scared the shit out of em too". She rolls her eyes before bending down in front of me "Don't move, I can't see very well". She grabbed my wrist and used a key to unlock it. While she was working on the other wrist, Tony bent down and moved my head to the right. I felt the neck chain loosen and he pulled it off my neck. "Natasha can you go any slower" Natasha elbowed him before finishing up undoing my chains. I was the pulled up by them and pulled out of a door. I squinted at the brightness, but they kept dragging me deeper. I still couldn't see in the light even when they stopped pulling me and I was put on my knees. I blinked a lot before my sight came back, and by that time my wrists were tied with a rope above my head. 

I had jeans on, so the carpet wasn't digging into my knees thankfully. I also just had a plain white shirt on that was too short, so it came up about an inch above my belt line. When I could finally see, I was in a kind of bright room and a single person was standing by the door. He had silver dyed hair, blue eyes, and was really pale. I couldn't see behind me, so I just went with one guard. I looked beside me, and saw another person. He was faced away from me and had a bag over his head, he was also laying on the ground. It wasn't long before he started moving and the guard knocked on the door before he was suddenly next to the guy tying him to a chair. I just accepted this since I was already in a weird situation. Several people entered through the door, including Natasha and Tony. 

The guy I was assuming was the boss was in the middle of everyone and looked between both of us. "Alright, let's get started then. Where is my chair?" a chair was kicked out and he sat. "I don't know if you know because of the bag, but this is your father" I looked at the man surprised. I haven't seen my dad in 10 years, so I don't know why i'm here with him. "I don't have kids" the guy's voice was scratchy and his appearance was shaggy looking. Confused faces were all around the room, even mine. I didn't know who any of these people were, and now they're telling me that my dad is here, but he is saying he doesn't have kids. I give up on trying to figure out what is going on. 

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