Stairs~ Hawksilver

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AN: Love this ship too:). 


The stairs in my college were winding and annoying. I have always hated stairs, but recently they haven't seemed so bad. Every time I going to or from class, I see a silver haired guy hanging out with his friends. His friends are assholes and tend to have a thing for messing with me. They think they're slick, but I've already hacking into the cameras and see them doing shit. The silver haired guy never seems to be with them when they do this. I didn't know if he was orchestrating it or if he didn't have a part in it, but I didn't care. I was going to ignore him anyway. I didn't want to have to deal with his friends. I also didn't like talking to people other than my childhood best friend. Nat went to a different University in another state. We both left our home state, but we went to different states for college. My roommate was nice and I would occasionally talk to him when he was around, but we were both running around everywhere. The summer break was coming up and I planned on staying in a hotel somewhere. I didn't go home, and I wasn't allowed to stay in the dorms. 

I didn't know what was going to happen when summer break came. I would most likely hibernate in a hotel room. It was going to be expensive, but i've been saving for it. I was currently walking down the stairs. I saw the silver haired guy and his friends talking. I ignored them like usual before I was almost tackled. I hit the wall when a body collided with mine. I registered the red hair when Nat pulled away. "Holy shit. What the hell are you doing here?" I hugged her and she laughed. "Figured I would visit my favorite person in the entire world" she pulled away and ruffled my hair. I swatted at her hand and met lightening blue eyes. I looked away from the guy and Nat put her arm around my shoulders while leading me back up the stairs. "How did you even get in the building?" she smiled "Don't worry about it". I regretted telling her where my dorm was before she was cat called. She stopped and turned looking a little pissed. She crossed her arms "Got something you wanna say?". She was not afraid to call people out. It was great besides moments like these. 

The silver haired guy was pinching the bridge of his nose and stepped to the side to let her see who did it. The guy nodded and stepped forward. I stepped forward too, a little on edge. "Yeah. Why are you with a guy like that when you could do so much better" I flipped him off and leaned against the wall to wait for the argument to end. "Not that it's any of your goddamn business, but I am not with Clint" she glanced back at me. "Not my type" I nodded "Not mine either". She turned back to the guy and I went back to scrolling on my phone "Clint and I have been best friends since we were 6. If you have a problem with Clint, you have a problem with me". She stepped forward and got into his face "You wouldn't have a chance with me if you were the last person on earth". She turned back to me and I put my phone away. "Let's go" I went to follow but the guy grabbed my arm. I twisted and pined him to the wall with his arm behind his back. "Touch me again and i'll break it" I let him go and he scoffed "If he isn't your type, what kind of guy is". Nat smiled after I walked over to her "No guy is my type". 

I started walking and she came with, leaving them with knowing she's a lesbian. "People in your school are assholes" I nodded and closed the door to my dorm. "I know this" she smiled and laid across my bed. My roommated then decided to show up. "Who is your lady friend?" I nodded to her "My best friend Natasha". He nodded and sat in his desk chair "Cool". I sat on the bed next to Nat and laid across her lap. "Why are you here? Really?" she sighed and glanced at my roommate, who had earbuds in "Your father is coming. I wanted to warn you". I sat up quickly "When?" she grimaced "Now. He's about 20 minutes away". I stood "I have to go now" she nodded and followed after me as I jogged down the stairs. "Slow down Clint" I met the gaze of the silver haired guy and some of the people in his group as I was going. "Calm down" she grabbed my arm to stop me and I hit the wall from the momentum. "I have to leave, Nat. Come with me or not" I started jogging again and she huffed before following me. I left the school and walked as far away as possible. Nat was walking next to me and didn't say anything.

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