Vents~ Ironhawk

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AN: This one is probably going to be short and sweet.


I spent a lot of my time in the vents. Especially when I was bored. Lately i've been using it to hide from everyone. They think i'm gone. Tony found out that I liked him, resulting in everyone find out I was gay. Wanda accidentally let it slip in the living room. I have never left a room faster. Nat has been looking for me in the vents, but I found a spot that's completely closed off from a grate. It's right about my room, and I don't have a way to get into the vents in my room because it's welded shut. None of them could find me. I was in there for days. No food, water, and nothing to do. I was getting extremely bored. I didn't want to come out though. If I came across Tony, I wouldn't know what to say. I'm on my 5th day in the vents.

I held my breath as I heard someone crawling around. "He has to be in here somewhere" one of them was Banner, but there was another. "That's the problem, it's a huge maze of vents. He could be anywhere" the other one was Tony. I heard them moving away, so I leaned my head against the side of the vents and closed my eyes. I didn't know how long I was asleep for. I didn't have my phone with me, so I was kind of stuck without the time. I only know it was the 5th day because I was above Steve's room. I knew he slept every night and anytime I heard him going to bed, I knew it was night time. I heard crawling around again and was alert. I heard someone messing with the grate to my right and was staring at it intently. The grate came off and I was met with Tony's relieved face.

"Finally" I turned away from him and faced the opposite direction. "How did you find me?" he crawls up next to me and sits. "I remembered that Jarvis could track someone in the vents" I nodded and refused to look at him. "Look, you found me. I'm fine. You can go now" he sighed "Clint it's been 5 days. You haven't had anything to eat or drink, and you probably haven't slept well up here". I shrug and flinch when he touches my shoulder. "Why are you even talking to me?" he shakes his head. "I'm talking to you because you've been hiding in the vents for 5 days, and I honestly thought you left the tower and weren't coming back" I let my head hit the side of the vents again. "I'm fine" he pulls my shoulder back, so I landed on my back. He pinned me to the floor of the vents and sat with one leg between mine, and the other on the other side of my right leg. 

I looked at him confused and surprised. "I care about you, I like you too" I shake my head "You don't like me, you like the thought of me". He sighs "I like how you are always the first one up in the morning. The way your hair seems to fall in just the right place. How you care about others even though you say you don't. How you always have some sarcastic come back to everything anyone says. How your eyes always tell a story that no one knows. How you avoid certain subjects because you're scared someone's going to see the real you. How you always have to know how something works. How you always know why someone does the things they do. The way you always see through everyone. The way your lips part slightly when you're surprised. The way you look at someone when you admire them. The way you shoot an arrow with so much precision and ease. I like you, and everything about you". I didn't know what to say. 

I was frozen and he was staring right into my eyes. It felt like he could see into my soul. I turned my head to the side to avoid looking him in the eye. He moved my hands above my head and held them there with one hand. He used his free hand to move my head, so I was looking at him. He bent down, but stopped short of kissing me. His eyes roamed over my face as he was analyzing my expression. In a split second, he was kissing me hungrily. I kiss back after I got over the initial shock. He released my hands and I tangled them in his hair. He broke the kiss, and traveled down my jaw. He kissed down to my collarbone, where he started sucking and biting. He moved his leg that was between my legs up. I felt my heart skip a beat as I took a sharp breath. He kissed back up my neck and jaw, back to my lips. He left a quick kiss there before pulling away "You gonna come out of the vents now?".

AN: This one was short. I liked it, i'm not gonna lie. Thank you for reading.

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