Perfection~ Hawksilver

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AN: Gonna be a short one. Maybe. I haven't decided yet. We're gonna find out though.


This kid was going to drive me crazy. I huffed in annoyance as I was working on new arrows. My head hit the desk and I sighed as I tossed my arrow to the side. The knock on my door pissed me off more. I opened the door and was met with Pietro standing there awkwardly. "Hey oldie" I left the door opened and moved back to my desk chair to work on my arrows. "I'm sorry" I nod and winced as the arrow head cut my finger. Blood dripped down my hand. Pietro put his hand on my forearm. "Stop Clint" I shoved his hand off and was about to leave, but he pulled me back into the room and shut the door. In a second, his hands were next to my head and trapping me against the wall. "Knock it off kid" he shook his head "I didn't mean to Clint. Please". I nodded "I know kid". I subconsciously held my side that has been throbbing for 3 days. He let go of the wall and nodded.

He looked like a kicked puppy before he left my room. I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands. There was a softer knock on my door that I didn't bother answering. The door slowly opened and I looked up sharply. Nat smiled at me and walked over to sit next to me after shutting the door. "What happened? Pietro left looking upset" I shrugged and she sighed. "I meant he left the building Clint. I know you love him, now go see him. Tell him" I got up in a panic. "Left the building? We're being hunted" Nat nods "Yeah I know". I grabbed a coat and my bow with some new arrows before leaving. I searched the streets and even had Fury try to find him from above. I knew he could've gone as far as he wanted. I held my side as a stitch ripped while my skin stretched. Blood seeped through my white shirt, but I wasn't worried about that.

-3 days ago-

I took cover from an incoming rain of bullets. I turned a corner, running into someone. I panicked as something sharp went into my side. I grabbed Pietro's shoulder as he realized what happened. The knife disappeared and I fell into him. He lowered me to the ground "I'm sorry Clint. Shit hang on oldie" I coughed and blood spewed out of my mouth. "Clint i'm so sorry" he grabbed my hand and held it as I struggled to get a steady breath. Nat ran over and bent over me. "I didn't mean to. He came out of nowhere" Nat nods "I know Pietro. Calm down and distract him". Pietro was speaking, but I could only focus on each stitch being put in place. Nat looked at him "Pietro talking doesn't work. You need to do something to distract him. He has you tuned out right now". Pietro looked at her panicked "What do I do?". Nat sighed and made eye contact with me "Kiss him". Pietro looked unsure until Nat told him to hurry. He nodded and cupped my face before pressing his lips to mine quickly. I froze in shock, before weakly kissing back. I didn't register anything going on except kissing him. I let my head fall back before I passed out.

-Current time-

I froze as I heard footsteps and looked around. I didn't see anything, but I knew someone was there. I blocked a hit coming towards my head. I pulled and arrow and shot him quickly. Unlucky enough for me, it was an ambush. I cursed as I ran out of arrows and had to resort to a knife. I winced as a kick broke my nose and busted my lip. Another kick hit my ribs before I kicked the leg of one of them. He fell to the ground and gave me enough time to get up and take down 3 more. My head that throbbing as the side of my head was pushed against a brick and held there. My hands were chained together and I was pinned onto my stomach by a knee in my back. I was pulled up to be on my knees. Another guy walked over and knelt down in front of me. He wiped the blood under my lip with his thumb. I pulled my face away from him, making him punch me in the stomach.

The next 2 hours were a blur as I was forced to do unspeakable things. I managed to get away and go back to the tower. I had already checked my phone to see that Nat told me Pietro was back home and hour and a half ago. I made my way into the house and tried to go to my room quickly. Nat stopped me in the hall way and grabbed my face, examining the damage. She whisper yelled after letting me go "What the hell happened? I was worried sick about you". I nod "I know, but i'm fine ok? I just want to go to bed". She nods "I'm fixing you up in the morning" I shrugged before going into my room. I spotted Pietro asleep while leaning against the wall on my bed. I knelt down and sighed before shaking him. "Kid" he didn't move "Kid wake up" he hummed and swatted my hand away. He was sitting in the corner of the bed, but was still somehow dead asleep. I was too tired to care, so I just laid on the side of the bed he wasn't taking up. 

I woke up in the middle of the night with my entire body aching. I winced and groaned as I moved. Pietro shifted and I attempted to be quieter. I laid on my stomach, but an arm went around me to hold me in place. I gripped the sheet as his arm pressed against a giant bruise and his hand grabbed a cut on my shoulder. I slowly sat up, struggling as everything felt weak. I stood and stumbled into my desk making a large thump echo through the room. I heard Pietro wake up and sighed as he spoke. "Clint? where were you? What happened?" he didn't see my face yet, so I just walked towards the closet on shaky legs. I fell into the wall, making him jump up and super speed his way over. I jumped as he was in front of me in seconds before wincing. I slid down the wall and he grabbed my shoulders to try and ease me down. 

I let the back of my head hit the wall and Pietro looked at me surprised. "Clint?" I put my hand over one of his. "I'm fine kid. Don't worry" he shook his head "You're not. Stop saying you are". I nodded "Alright kid". He pulled me up and hooked his arm around me before tentatively setting me on the bed. I winced as I sat and Pietro got me on my side. "Oldie you're gonna have to stop getting hurt for everyone around you" I shook my head "If I don't you guys will. I can take it Pietro. Some people on the team aren't used to it. I'd rather it be me". He shook his head at me "Well, I'd rather it be me Clint. You need a break". I smiled a little "Nat wanted me to find you and tell you something". He nod "I already know she likes my sister". I laughed "Everyone knows that kid. She wanted me to tell you that I-". He cut me off "I already know that too". I stopped and tilted my head to the side.

He smiled "You look cute as a confused puppy". I pushed his face away "Shut up kid". He laughed and climbed over me to lay next to me. I struggled to turn to face him. He stopped me and put his arms around my waist lightly. "Tell me if I hurt you" I nod and spun to face him painfully. "Clint-" I stopped him by pressing my lips to his hard. He put his hands up the back of my shirt, making him stop and pull away. He moved and pulled my shirt up and over my head. He examined my back "Clint, where did these come from?" I had fresh bruises all over my back and a scratch going across my lower back. "I know i'm not perfect kid and I know I mess up, but i'm trying to be better" he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine firmly and quickly. "Your perfect for me Clint. Just because you had stuff happen to you, doesn't mean you're a bad person" I nodded feeling exhaustion take over. He lightly traced the bruises on my back and laid occasional kisses on my neck and shoulder as I drifted off. 

AN: Imma just schedule this one for later. Turns out it was a short one.

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