Sweatpants~ Ironhawk

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AN: Welcome back to my amazing book that's not so amazing since I started writing it at 16 and have no proper grammar at all :)


I have been trying to get Tony out of his lab for a while. I was assigned by S.H.I.E.L.D. to make sure Tony was good material for some project coming up. Fury didn't give me the details, but I was stuck here either way. Recently, Fury has told me to stay at the Stark Tower for even more intel. Tony set up a room for me after being informed about a fake story of me being wrongfully evicted. I've been staying here for about a month now, but I barely see Tony unless he has some work stuff to talk about. It was 3 in the morning when I woke up from a nightmare. I didn't worry about it anymore since Tony stayed in his lab constantly. He barely slept, but he was still a surprisingly productive person. 

I made my way downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water. I didn't worry about putting a shirt on either. I leaned against the counter and sighed. I jumped and turned around in alarm when the kitchen door opened. Tony stopped with a coffee pot in hand. At least I knew how  he stayed up for days on end without a problem. "Didn't know you were still up. Though I assume you woke up judging by your bed head" he started the coffee pot and leaned against the counter across from me with his arms crossed. I ran a hand through my hair to tame it and shrugged. "Woke up" he nodded and watched the coffee pot as it was running. "You staying up or going back to bed?" I shrugged "Don't know yet". He nods "Wanna come down to the lab with me. It's fine if you fall asleep down there". 

I nodded and followed him down after the coffee pot stopped. I sat on the couch and he played music on the TV as he was working on something that was laid across the coffee table. The music was quiet, and it was very peaceful in his lab. I could see why he stayed in here for months on end before going to sleep in his room. I felt myself growing tired as I was trying to see what he was working on. My eyelids started to get heavy and I relaxed into the couch as I fell asleep. I was in and out of sleep for a couple hours before I stayed asleep. The next time I woke up, I was in my room and Tony was talking with someone in the living room. I pulled a shirt on and left my room, still in the grey sweatpants. Tony turned and smiled at me as he was talking with Pepper. "Hey Clint, you know Pepper" I nodded and waved to her before my phone rang. I sighed and left while answering. "Barton" Fury was on the other end "Agent Barton we need your answer today". 

I nod "Yeah i'm on my way" I got into my uniform which consisted of black jeans and a black vest with several weapons hidden. I pulled a gray Avenged Sevenfold hoodie on and left my room again. "I have to go to a meeting, i'll be back later" I wasn't going to be back and I knew that. I didn't know if I would see Tony again. He nodded and waved with a smile "See ya later Clint". I went to S.H.I.E.L.D. and met with Fury. "What's your call Barton?" I nodded and thought over everything that was going on. "Tony Stark is very efficient, but is unable to function after a couple months. He stays up for nights on end working, but crashes for a week. As Iron Man Tony is a good choice, but Tony Stark is not. I call that he is a consultant for the program" Fury nods and writes everything down. "Alright agent, we will be taking this into consideration during the choosing" I nodded and was about to leave. 

"I'm sending Coulson and a couple agents to get your stuff from the tower. Your story is that you are being transferred to another agency" I nod and left the room. I continued my day as usual, watching over the agency. It was months before I saw Tony again. While watching over the Tesseract, a long haired guy showed up. Soon enough after I was touched with his staff, I had no control over my actions. I knew what I was doing, but I couldn't control myself. I constantly blacked out on the way to Loki's hideout. I was in and out of consciousness, but was chained to the wall as I fought against the mind control. I wasn't fed or allowed to sleep to weaken me so he could have a stronger control over me. I was in a delirious state when Loki entered on the last day I remember. 

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