Asylum~ Hawksilver

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AN: Thought I could throw this one in here too. 


I was still haunted by the place. I did not want to go anywhere near it. Whose idea was it to help out at the asylum anyway? Had to be Steve's. I did not like being here and I did not like being around the Maximoff twins. Ever sicne them being here, it has been chaos in the tower. "Nat I don't want to be anywhere near here" she put her hands on her hips "They need to be rebuilt. Half the building is falling apart from an explosion". I nod "Yeah, that's a good thing". She rolled her eyes and shook her head "What is with you recently?". I shrugged and turned to walk away "I'm not stying to help with this. This place deserves to burn in hell". She looked defeated as I walked back to the jet. I planned on taking a nap while they worked their asses off for sadistic asshole that get their kicks from torturing patients. I was placed in there after the circus. I had escaped, but they thought I was crazy. Maybe I was driven crazy by the circus. I still feel a little crazy sometimes. The twins caught me before I could leave "Please help Clint. I don't want to be stuck listening to Rogers the entire time". Wanda looked at me all sad and I huffed "Fine, I'll stick around. I'm not helping rebuild this place though". She nodded and ran off to go tell Nat about her accomplishment "You crumble to her easily old man". I flipped off Pietro and walked towards Nat who was smiling a little. I flipped her off too and stayed in the back of the group as they were walking towards the place. 

We were let in immediately and given a tour. I knew the place like the back of my hand. I would run up and down these corridors a lot. I was still a kid. I didn't even understand why they were treating me the way they were. I didn't understand why the circus was treating me the way they were either. I didn't understand that some people just enjoyed hurting others. It was an understanding I came to realize while I was trapped here. I kept my head down as they guided us through the halls. I had seen the tour many times when I was younger, so I already know the path by heart. Luckily, they didn't change a thing about it. "We're glad that someone finally came to help out around here. After one of our patients blew up this side of the building, he escaped and we have no idea where he went. Ever since, this side has been blocked off from the patients and we can't hold as many as we did" Tony smiled. "Glad to help. How did a patient blow up this end?" yeah that was me. "Made a homemade bomb with stolen equipment. Was quick about it too. we didn't even notice anything missing. The bomb went off and he ran" Steve sighed "Why would he blow up the building?". Personally, I did it because I was being totured, but he won't tell them that "There's no telling. He was beyong crazy. Can't blame him though. Judging from where he came from, destruction is the only thing he knew". 

He smiled and looked around "Enough stories. Let's get down to business". Steve agreed and I stewed in my own anger at this guy. I remembered him. I didn't know if he recognized me, but I was hoping not. He would always laugh as I was being electrocuted. He was an intern then and found it amazing that they would toture patients. Wanda stood next to me and whispered to me "Did you know the guy that did this? Is that why you didn't want to help them?". I nodded a little "Very close to him. He wasn't crazy". I walked off from the group, knowing that someone was following me. I turned expecting it to be Nat, but I was proven wrong by another nurse that did remember me "So our patient returns to help clean up his mess". I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall "Don't mistake Tony's and Steve's kindness for mine. I told them this place should rot in hell. Every person that tortured patients here can go with it". He frowned "How would they feel knowing that their own teammate was the cause of this?". I smiled a little "How would they feel knowing that this place was not an asylum. More like a torture chamber for those that can't fight back". He scoffed "You were strong back then too". I got in his face "I was a kid. I didn't understand why the people claiming to be helping me were hurting me". I shoved him and walked back to the group. I decided I wasn't going to be roaming away from the group anymore.

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