Bites~ Ironhawk

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AN: This is a vampire AU because I can.


I've always been a loner. It's dangerous in the world I live in, but I don't care. I was tired of being here anyway. I was orphaned when I was 6 with my brother, but he died a few short years later the same way. A vampire broke into out home and killed my parents, then they broke into the place Barney and I were staying and killed him. I was avoided because people thought I was bad luck. A rumor went around that if anyone knew me a vampire would get them and kill them like they did my family. I didn't care, anyone who believed that was not someone I wanted to be around anyway. I had a small scar going from my left temple to the left side of my mouth. It was light and easy to cover, so nobody knew. I got it when I was 6 and trying to protect my mother. I ran towards her, but one of the vampires backhanded me and their nail cut my face. 

I am graduating in a couple weeks, and I couldn't be more excited to move away. Of course my bad luck caught me off guard. I wouldn't be here telling this story if it was just about my last couple of weeks of high school. The hardest part about our high school was that we shared it with vampires. I've always had a sore spot for vampires, and so I avoided them most of the time. They all knew I was afraid of them, and most of them respected it enough to stay away. Even if I had bad luck, they knew about my family. One group in particular did not leave me alone. I didn't care enough to learn their names, all I knew was that the vampires in our school were ranked high in their society. I was being tortured by them almost every day, but a new group showed up that interested them more. I didn't know why, and frankly I didn't care. 

I was an amazing two days of not being bothered, and actually being able to relax. I was even able to get to my apartment without being messed with. Sadly it came to an end on the third day when I saw the familiar face of the leader of the guys messing with me. He slammed my locker closed as I opened it and smashed my fingers in it. "Fuck!" I pulled my fingers out and held them to my chest. He pushed me against the locker and I turned my head to the side to avoid his nasty breath. I could see his fangs glinting in the light and had a sudden memory of the night my brother was killed. The vampire bit into my neck first before my brother stepped in, and left two small dots as a scar on my neck. I saw the smile on his face, his fangs glowing from the bathroom light shining into the room, right before he bit into my neck.

I closed my eyes and he pushed my back further into the metal of the locker. I only got pity looks from those who passed by and saw what was going on. Truthfully, this guy never got this touchy when he was messing with me. Usually he would just mess with my stuff or put random pictures of my family where I would find them to make me remember everything. He had my hands above my head, and also pushing them as hard as he could without breaking them against the locker. He towered over me and had to bend his neck surprisingly far down to look me in the eye. "We're graduating soon, and I still haven't gotten a taste of you yet" he wouldn't get in trouble for this and we both knew it. He tilted my head painfully far to the side before licking my neck. I felt a shiver go down my spine before a sharp pain shot down my neck and into my spine. I struggled to get out of his grip, but he was stronger. He was a vampire and I was a human, definitely no match against him.

An unfamiliar voice sounded down the hall "Let him go". My hands and neck were released immediately and I slumped against the locker. "Yes sir" he walked off and a brunette vampire made his way over to me. "What's your name?" I squinted "You don't know?". He shakes his head and I put pressure on my neck. "Clint Barton" he nods "I know that name, are you related to Barney Barton?". I nod and shrug "Doesn't make a difference, he's dead". He hums "I know, I was there that night". I scoff "Then why even bother talking to me". I turn and open my locker only for it to be slammed again. This time, my fingers were moved before they were crushed. I was against the locker again, but I wasn't exactly being pushed into the metal. He just had me trapped without adding any pressure. 

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