Vampires~ Hawksilver

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AN: So I promised my friend an Ironhawk chapter, but i'm struggling to write it. I can't seem to find a good rhythm with it so i'm going to rewrite it over and over again until i'm happy with it. Until then I will write other chapters.



I was starting to wonder how bad my luck was, it was the middle of the night and I lost track of Natasha "Nat!" I was also wondering how the fuck she couldn't hear me screaming her name "Clint!" until I got an answer. I look around "Nat!" she didn't answer this time "Nat?" I jump at the voice behind me "she's not awake right now" I turn and trip falling backwards "this one is different boss". This guy with dyed blonde hair, an accent, a running suit, and is honestly extremely tall comes out from hiding "how Pietro, same scared human" he shake his head "he's not scared, he's pissed and curious". I stand and dust myself off "where's my friend" he snaps and an unconscious Natasha was thrown to the ground "she's not dead, just took a nasty hit to the head" another person, a girl this time, showed up. 

She had an accent as well "oh, how come I couldn't hear you guys, usually people are noisy when they try to sneak up on people" they shrug "ok when the hell did you have time to grab Nat" they shrug again "ok not helpful". The Pietro guys rolls his eyes "can I knock him out now" the guy he called boss shrugs "if he tries to fight back sure" in the blink of an eye Pietro was in front of me "jesus fuck!" I hold my heart. He laughs "what are you an old man" I shake my head "just not fond of being surprised, that's why I know when people are following me" he nods "so you knew we were watching" I nod "that's why I was calling for her, usually I would just let her be but I knew we were being followed" he nods and grabs my arm "sorry" then everything went black.

When I did wake up, my right hand was handcuffed to a bed "oh for fucks sake, now I have a headache" I take the hand that wasn't hand cuffed and rub my temple "you're finally awake" I flip off the so called boss "I was going to comply". He shrugs "not many people do" I nod "if I knew I was going to be tied to a bed and most likely raped I wouldn't but oh well" he shakes his head "i'm not going to rape you" I look at the handcuff and raise an eyebrow "I can't have you leave". I shake my head "right like Speedy Gonzales isn't going to catch me the second I step foot out of this room" I heard a laugh and then a smack "ow! Pietro that was uncalled for" I look to the side of me "well they seem to get along, can I ask where my friend is though". He motions behind me, so I strain my neck more to see Natasha passed out on that bed "well it's time you knew" I raise an eyebrow "you act like a bad guy in a corny 70's horror movie" a mili-second after I said that there was stinging in my neck.

I suck in a breath and realize that they were vampires "next time remember your place human" I didn't even think vampires existed until now "Pietro this one's yours, Wanda you get the girl, don't kill them". I scoff "watch it" he leaves and I get sympathetic looks from Pietro and Wanda "if you keep looking at me like that i'm going to start doubting that you're vampires" I heard Natasha groan "oh look red's awake" I heard a small laugh "shut up birdbrain, I though you saw everything". I act offended "and here I thought you'd be glad I got us kidnapped by vampires" she laughs "vampires this time, I thought it was the tracksuits again" I laugh this time "their fucking idiots, I would've left you here by yourself if it was them". We get amused yet confused looks from Pietro and Wanda "well if you two can keep us amused like this, we're not going to have a problem" Wanda was speaking "well if anyone can annoy me as bad as red, you'll have enough entertainment". I looked up straining my neck again "I should start calling you birdie again" I honestly missed that name but for the sake of my pride I acted offended "I will murder you, or have Wanda murder you" I heard a scoff "Wanda couldn't even hurt a fly". 

Pietro was smiling at Wanda in an innocent way that would get me smacked if I did it to Natasha "Maximoff twins are needed in the lab" both of them sigh "we'll see you guys after" well they're twins I guess, makes sense really. I heard Natasha laugh "we're not getting out of this one are we" I laugh sadly "no I don't think so" she strains her neck to look at me as well "i'm gonna miss Tony trying to make omelettes, he's the one that gave us our nicknames". I nod "yeah me too, though his spaghetti is fucking delicious" she laughs "yeah it really is, have you tasted his chicken alfredo he makes the sauce and everything from scratch" I shake my head "no he never made it when I was there" it was sad that I was never going to get to try it.

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