Sickness~ Hawksilver

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AN: Was thinking to write something a little bit different, but also the same at the same time


I woke up feeling a little more bogged down than normal, but I didn't think anything of it as I walked into the kitchen. I ran a hand through my hair while yawning "Morning Clint, you look like shit as per usual". I flipped Tony off with a smile and he laughed "Morning Tony, you are up early". He nods "Well I had nothing to do last night, so I went to sleep a little earlier". I nod and drink straight out of the coffee pot "You look a little worse than usual actually, rough night?". I shrug "Dunno" I downed the rest of the coffee and started a new pot. He shook his head "You ever not drink coffee?" I shake my head "Not when I wake up before 2pm after a mission". He shrugs and leaves "Have a nice time with the coffee pot, and put a shirt on, Steve will yell at you for only wearing sweatpants". I downed a second pot before going into the living room where the twins, Natasha, Bucky, and Sam were. I jumped over the couch, but Natasha pushed me off the couch where her and Wanda were messing with something. I Laughed and stood up "Ow.." Natasha smiles. Her smile faltered when I started blinking hard.


I looked up when Natasha's concerned voice rang through the living room "Bird brain?". I saw Clint's eyes roll into the back of his head and used my speed to catch him before he hit the ground. There was two lines of blood running from his nose into his hair "Someone go get Bruce and Tony". Natasha yelled orders around before looking at me "Thanks for catching him kid, can you sit criss crossed and lay his head in your lap". I nod and did that, then wiped the blood off his cheeks. I took the napkin from Natasha and held it under his nose to try and slow the bleeding. "Alright what's going on?" Bruce knelt next to Clint's right side "He just collapsed before his nose started bleeding". He nodded before giving him a regular check up "Ok everything is normal for now, wait for him to wake up then bring him down to my lab so I can do further research, do not move him in the mean time". I nod and prepare to sit here with my boyfriend's head in my lap for a while. 

I didn't sit there for a long, long time, but I was there for about an hour and a half before Clint woke up. He coughed as he sat up with little issues "Hey hun, Bruce wants you down in his lab". Everyone had left half an hour ago to go into town, except for Steve, Tony, and Bruce, who were down in the labs. He shakes his head "No, tell him i'm fine". He uses the couch to stand before heading slowly to the hall "Clint wait!" I stood up and used my speed to get in front of him. "You just passed out with a bloody nose, you're not ok" he stops when I put my hands on his shoulders and sighs. "Enough worrying ok, I just need to lay down and take a nap" I cross my arms before picking him up and running down to Banner's lab. I set him on the table before he could register anything "Dammit, move". He tried to move me aside to go past me, but Banner stopped him.


I sent Banner a pleading look, but he didn't budge, and the best he did was make Pietro wait outside. "He's only worried about you, he does love you whether you want to accept it or not" I nod at Bruce. "I know, I just don't want to tell him yet, it might break him" he hums "He's going to find out sooner or later". I run a hand through my hair "I'm not getting any better". He nodded "Well the fainting and nose bleed was caused by the medicine we tried, it backfired and made everything worse". I sigh "Do you even know what it is yet?" he shakes his head "It's nothing i've ever seen before, no tumors, no migraines, no fevers, just draining, aching joints, tachycardia, hyposmia at times, and insomnia, there's no pattern". He tosses the chart a little frustrated "It's time to tell him Clint". I look through the glass seeing Pietro slightly wave at me "How do you tell someone you're in love with that you're dying". I wave back with a small smile "You know him best, tell him the way he would want to find out". I shake my head "I don't know him best, his sister does". He nods "Well it's best that we don't let this get out, so you're the second person? Firgure it out, you're smart Clint, smarter than you think". I nod "Thanks Bruce, see ya later" he nods and I leave the room. 

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