Wolves~ Ironhawk

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AN: So originally, this was supposed to be the title for bites~ Ironhawk. I then changed it from werewolves to vampires and noticed that the title did not go with the story, so I changed it to bites and this one is going to be werewolves because right now i'm a little obsessed with the vampire and werewolves thing. I have a problem, and I know it. We don't need to talk about it ok. In my AU, omega guy werewolves can't get pregnant. I don't know if the pictures showed up, but I tried ok.




I was born expected to be an alpha, but it didn't turn out that way. It came out when I was 5 that I was an omega. My mom was excited since she already had an alpha. She had something of both worlds and loved us no matter what. She said that even if I was an alpha she would be happy. I believed her because I knew she wasn't lying. My father was upset. He wanted two alphas. Two strong alphas who could take over the pack when he couldn't run it anymore. He wanted Barney to be able to rely on another alpha if he ever got in trouble, but I was an omega. He considered me weak and would often try to 'toughen me up' by beating the shit out of me. I could take a hit without making a face by the time I was 10. My father then believed it was working and hit me harder and more frequent. I turn 17 soon, and my brother was about to be 18. We were both excited for him to be 18.

He was having an actual party for his 18th birthday, and he invited all of his friends from school. He told them they could invite anyone they wanted. He even told me to invite Natasha and tell her to invite her friends because he knows that I don't have any other friends. I glared when he said this, but she just nodded "Yeah, he doesn't. I got it". I threw my hands up "You are both mean". He laughs "Yeah, I know". He left and Natasha smiled at me "No" I shook my head. She nodded "Yeah, i'm inviting them". I tried to catch her before she got out of the house, but she was gone quickly. I sighed and rolled my eyes before walking back up to my room to stew over the fact that tomorrow was Barney's party. 

There was a friend group at school that had the hottest and the most popular alpha in school. His name was Tony and we met when we were 3. My dad knew his dad, so sometimes he was over here and I was told to stay in my room. Sometimes I would see him though when Barney was taking me to the kitchen, or when my mom would be taking me outside. Today though, my father had a meeting with his dad about my brother turning 18. It was important since that was the time the heir to the pack would be training to become the leader of the pack. It was going to be held in my father's personal meeting room. I have done the same thing every time they have a meeting in there. I open my door so I could see through the crack and would watch them walk by. I was in the living room on the couch half asleep when the front door was opened by our door man. I stood and quickly walked towards the stairs. 

I spared a quick glance at Tony, his mother, and his father before I jogged up the stairs. I was rounding the corner when I heard his mother "Tony honey, isn't he the same age as you?". I paused to hear his response "Yeah, I see him sometimes in school. He's in a few of my classes". In all honesty, we had basically the same schedule. We had 6 our of 8 classes together. I walked into my room and closed my door most of the way. I had it open to where I could hear when they passed by. I head them in the hall and turned to open the door just enough to see out of. I made eye contact with Tony before my father turned and saw me. "Clinton" I felt my eyes widen before I closed the door quickly. I heard him sigh "I'm sorry, he's my youngest and has always been a curious kid". 

I knew I was going to get hit for that later even though Tony's dad said it was fine. There was a soft knock on my door about 10 minutes later and I opened the door cautiously. "Hey honey" my mom smiled at me and I smiled back "Hey mom". She waved me out "Come on, ice cream?". I nod "Yeah, thanks" we weren't allowed to hear the meetings, so she would always get me ice cream while they were talking. We were in the kitchen and had already finished our ice cream. I was washing out the bowls and my mom was drying them. I wouldn't let her clean them because she had already gotten the ice cream out. She dipped her hand in the bubbled when I wasn't looking and wiped my face with it. I smiled and did the same to her. It quickly got a little out of hand and we both had bubbles all over us by the end of it. I laughed and wiped my face with a dry rag. I threw it to her and she wiped her face as well. I stuck out my had "Truce?" she shakes my hand "Truce".

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