Nightfall~ Ironhawk

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AN: Clint is 15 and Tony is 18. Enjoy


I sprinted through the woods. Hoping that I wasn't going to get caught. I made it to the city and kept running. I didn't trust that anyone would help me. My brother got to the police, but they didn't believe him. Nobody was going to help. I looked back and saw the ringmaster coming after me. I ran through an alley as the sun set completely. I was hiding in the alley for half an hour before the ringmaster made his way in. I made myself as small as possible and held my breath as he walked past. My hearing aids that I made started ringing loudly. I watched him walk past as I tried not to make a sound while my ears were throbbing. As soon as he got far enough down the alley, I got up and made my way out. I sprinted out with him following quickly. I ran out into the night, but fell as I ran into someone. I landed on my back, making my head snap back to hit the concrete.

I winced as the back of my head stung and scabs along my back scraped open. I put my hands up, hoping it wasn't the other people from the circus. A hand gently laid on my shoulder and I flinched away, landing on my elbows. I was panting from my long run and looked down the alley in alarm as the ringmaster made his way over. "Sorry kids, he has a psychological issue and mistakes me for his enemy sometimes" a smart looking guy glanced at me and looked me over. I was barefoot, glass shards were stuck in my feet, bruises littered my body, and I knew I looked terrified. He was brunette and was the least dressed up out of the group. A dumber blonde guy looked at the ringmaster "He gonna be ok getting home?". The ringmaster smiled at me and nodded "Yeah, he'll be ok". The brunette grabbed the blonde and whispered to him, not knowing I could hear him "Something isn't right here".

Another guy with short hair and glasses on was staring me down. I was busy glaring at the ringmaster though. I looked between the blonde and the brunette as they were arguing about what was going on. The ringmaster further tried to convince them "He's my patient. His parents died in a car crash because of one of his episodes. He's being taken care of I promise you". They only one that was convinced was the blonde. "Clinton we need to get home and get you cleaned up" their eyes settled on me and I stood slowly. I decided on whether or not to run again or go with him. Those would keep these people safe, but I didn't know where the rest of the circus was. I could definitely get thrown back in to killing people, or I could maybe escape or end up back with the circus. The brunette and the blonde stood as well.

I took a step back while making eye contact with the ringmaster. He frowned "Clinton do not run again" he was warning me about the punishment I would get if I ran again. He stared me down "Clinton Francis Barton". I paused and looked at him panicked. I knew what was coming because of my hesitation. I made my decision then and ran. I heard him curse before running after me. I ran down another alley and climbed the ladder quickly. I backed up and jumped the roof before the ringmaster got there. I winced as the rocks pushed glass further into my feet. I jumped another roof and another. I continued down the line of buildings. I landed hard on the last one and skidded across the rocks. I laid flat so that I didn't get seen. I heard someone coming up the ladder, knowing I was going to get caught. I accepted my fate and looked up at the stars while I could.

I was going to be killed when I got back, and knew this would be the last time. Rocks thumped before the ringmaster pulled me up by the collar of my shirt. He pushed my back into the rocks again. I coughed and winced as rocks dug into bruises and cuts. "It was a mistake to run Little Hawk" he punched me and busted my lip. His fist collided with my face again, probably leaving a black eye. He was pushed off of me unexpectedly and the familiar face of the brunette came into view. He examined my face as I felt myself passing out. The adrenaline was running out from the relief of help. I heard sirens coming closer and smiled a little. He pressed his lips together when he looked up. I didn't know what was going on, but I just hoped that the ringmaster would be stopped. I felt my eyes closing from exhaustion and everything went black.

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