Glass~ Hawksilver

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AN: Haven't done a bar one in a minute. This is going to be short and sweet though. I know I said I liked the longer chapters, but I need a filler chapter in case my next one takes a while.


I sighed as I finally got home from work. I was exhausted and ready to go to bed. I opened the door to a dark house. Usually there was laughter in the livingroom as a certain silver haired moron would stay up until I got home. I went upstairs to see if he was already asleep. I walked into the room and heard the shower running. I set my stuff down and pulled off my button up shirt. I let out a yawn as I walked into the bathroom. "Hey" I heard him hit something as I startled him. "Jesus. Know how to knock oldie?" I laughed "The door was wide open. Honestly you were asking for it". He sent a glare before going back to his shower. I brushed my teeth as he finished his shower and came out with a towel around his waist. "How was work?" he wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed his body against my back. "Horrible. Every person in town came to our bar tonight. We have one right next door. Some of them should go there" he laughed and kissed my shoulder. "Well they don't have the hottest bartender in town" I smiled and twisted to face him. "They can come see me another night. No touching though" he laughed and followed me back into the room. 

I looked on the bed for the first time tonight and found rose petals. In the middle was a box with a ring in it. "Will you marry me Clint Barton?" I turned and found him on one knee now in sweatpants. His hair was still soaked from his shower and water ran down his chest. I always thought he looked hot in just sweatpants fresh out of the shower. He knew that too. I pulled him up and pressed my lips to his quickly. He smiled as I wrapped my arms around him. "Is that a yes?" I rolled my eyes as I stood on my tippy toes to get my arm around his neck. My other was resting on his arm "Yes you fucking dumbass". He laughed and his arms went around my waist "Nat's going to be your best woman isn't she?". I nod "You know she is. Stubborn bitch has been dreaming for the day she gets to be my best woman". He smiled and let me go to walk over to the bed. He picked up the ring and grabbed my hand "Wanna keep your last name? I don't mind. I liked the name Clint Barton since I first heard it". I shake my head "I like Clinton Maximoff better". He put the ring on my finger as I said this with a small smile playing on his lips.

AN: Told ya it would be short and sweet. I didn't even get to one thousand words yet.

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