Pretty Boy~ Ironhawk

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AN: So this is just another one that came to me at like midnight when I couldn't sleep so enjoy my half asleep story. Yeah I also lied about the Clint centered stories, you're welcome.



The first time I saw him was in the coffee shop down the road from my agency. He had dirty blonde hair, stunning blue eyes, and was shorter than both Steve and I. He had dark bags under his eyes and slumped into a chair near one of the baristas. He laid his head down until he was poked and handed a coffee. He smiled and grabbed the drink before drinking half of it in one go. I didn't realize I was staring until Steve shook my shoulder, making me shake my head and look back at him. He was looking as well "He's pretty" I nod in agreement "Yeah, wonder if he'll be interested". Steve shrugs "You'll never know since we have to get going" I groan "I don't wanna go to a meeting". I lay my head on a table and Steve rolls his eyes before pulling me up "Come on Tony, if it wasn't so early people would be bombarding you". I laughed as he pulled me towards our agency. 


I saw the most beautiful guy I have ever seen. I was at the cafe earlier than normal, so I was able to sit there for a minute and talk with Stephen for a while. I walked in a little more groggy than usual, but I saw a brunette with dark hazel eyes and I thought I saw him from somewhere. I thought he was probably the hottest person I was ever going to see. I smiled at Stephen as he handed me my drink "Thanks". He nods "Guy over there have been staring you down since you walked in, I think you have a fan". I flip him off "Yeah, sure" I didn't believe him until I saw the brunette glancing at me every so often on his way out. I watched Him and the guy he was with go down the street, and I realized they were going in the same direction I had to in a little bit. I look out the door and saw them go into the agency I work for "Stephen, they work in the same agency as me". He looked up and was smiling "Well you better get going to see them, they must be new". I shrug "Or they get there before me everyday, so I never see them". He nods "Either way, you're going to be late" I curse and run out the door with my coffee.

The next day I was told to come in 30 minutes early. I think Stephen told Natasha, who told Fury, who thought it would be funny. I glared at him as I walked through the door and I could see Stephen's shoulder shaking as he was making my coffee. I sit in my usual chair and cross my arms staring him down. I could tell the two guys were still staring at me while I was sitting there and Stephen turned around with my cup and passed it over. I glared as I took a drink "What are you glaring at?" I squinted at him "You know what you did". He laughs more "Come on, you have to admit-" I didn't let him finish "Nope, don't say it, I will jump over this counter I swear to god". He shrugs and I stand "Thanks to you, i'm probably going to be late, bye you goddamn traitor". He waves as I leave and I could tell the brunette was still staring at me. I could feel his eyes on me until I walked through the doors. I got to my office and saw a sticky note on a stack of files 'Get these done today and do the mission on the corner of your desk'.

I got to work around 7:30, and didn't finish those stupid files until 3pm. I then had to travel out of my office to put them in their respective areas. Each different file had a number, and the number corresponded with the type of file and basket it would go into. My only problem was I had a ton of files today, so I had to go all around the agency. The last file was in a part I had never been in before. Natasha decided to follow me since her's went over there too. "All i'm saying is that you never go out anymore" I sigh at Nat as we were walking "I've been busy Nat, and i'm still swamped with work tonight, take it up with Fury not me". She shrugs and puts her file in the basket after me "And you need to stop gossiping to Fury, he knows way too much for being my boss". She laughs "How did you know" I roll my eyes "Why else would he make me come in 30 minutes early?". 

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