Roommates~ Hawksilver

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AN: another one off the top of my head. Also I absolutely watched the shining and put them in room 237 you're welcome.



I sit in front of the ringmaster with my head down and waiting for him to pull the trigger, but the gun goes under my chin and tilts my head up so I could read his lips "you have failed us little Hawk" I just stare at him and remember how much I hate that nickname. He shakes his head "I thought with after what happened to Barney for betraying us you would've learned" I shrug "i'd rather die than take another life" he nods "well I guess that's good for you then". He takes the gun and points it at my forehead, so I close my eyes and lean my head against the cold metal of the pistol that used to be mine.

I shot up in a cold sweat and looked around "fuck.." I fall back on the bed and check the time "are you fucking kidding me" I sigh at the fact that it was only 3 in the fucking morning and stand before heading out of my room. I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass for some water, then leaned against the counter and guzzled it all "F is for friends who do stuff-" I answer the phone after having a heart attack "hello" I tried to sound like I wasn't still freaked out "hey my Clint had a nightmare senses are tingling". I laughed "well sad to burst your bubble, but I woke up to get a drink" she sighed "Clint I can tell when you lie, what was it about" I put the cup in the sink "i've had the same dream the past 3 nights, wondering what would've happened it Fury didn't show up, what would've happened if he pulled the trigger". I look around when a window breaks "I have to go" I hang up and grab the gun I keep in the cabinet "I don't see anyone" I heard a bunch of shit breaking and move behind the door when I heard the voice "just be quiet, he could be anywhere" the door opens and two people walk in. 

I shoot twice and the both drop "good thing I woke up" people burst through the door "we heard gun shots" I nod "they broke in looking for me" I put the safety on the gun and set it on the counter. They walk over "why were you awake at this hour" I point to the sink that had my cap in it "water" one of them, a woman, calls 911 and explains what happened "Clint!" Natasha came running in and I wave "hey" she sighs "tell me what's happening before hanging up". She hugged me "I thought you were going to die" I nod and hug back "god now I have to move" she laughs and we let go "i'll help you look, and you can stay with me until you find one" I nod "thanks Nat" she nods "of course". We both get up and I give my statement to the police while she just tells them that we were on the phone when they showed up "ready?" I nod and walk into my room to pick up the boxes the place anything salvageable in them. 

-3 weeks later-

I knew that Nat was trying to get back at me for the whole pranking her every day, but getting me an apartment with 3 roommates was a little excessive "come help carry boxes Nat" she rolls her eyes "yeah, yeah, bossy asshole". I grab my arrow stuff and she grabs some clothes "you had to get one with roommates didn't you" she nods "next time don't play pranks on me" I roll my eyes and pull my key out "and stop watching horror movies, you know damn well what room 237 is, I bet you changed from building to building looking for a room exactly like this". She shrugs "if i'm being honest I did exactly that" I stop "did you really" she nods "room 237 is scary man, thankfully you're rooming with guys so no naked ladies" I laugh a little "ok that one was only a little bit funny". I open the door "hello?" all three guys were in the living room and two were arguing "hi, sorry they fight all the time, i'm Pietro" I shake his hand and the other two walk over. The blonde speaks first "it's not usually like this, i'm Steve" I shake his hand as well and the brunette puts his hand out "Tony" I nod "Clint, this is Natasha she's helping move things in and will be a nuisance for the rest of me being here" 

She hits me in the back of the head "ow.." Natasha shakes her head "not sorry, um, these are like really heavy can you show me his room" Steve nods "sorry yeah follow me" he walks upstairs and both of us follow. He opens a door "Pietro is next to you, Tony is across from you, and i'm next to him if you need anything" I nod "thanks" he leaves and I turn to Natasha "you will pay for this, what's going to happen at night, or today when I come back bruised and bloody because I have a fucking mission that requires me to be under cover". She looked confused "I am the worst person at being undercover, especially at a big fancy party I know nothing about" she laughs "ok I get it Clint, you'll be fine, you're good at dodging questions so it should be ok". I shrug "alright, help me unpack then we can go to the agency" she nods "sure" then we get into a fight over who does what, and who's more helpful than the other. I look at the time "Tasha.." I tap her a lot "what" I show her the time and she curses "we're so fucking late, you have my extra uniform right because i'm going to need it" I nod and throw it at her "get changed later Fury's going to kill us".

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