Magic Sparkles~ Ironstrange

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AN: So at this point i'm in the middle of deciding whether or not to go ahead and post these even though i'm not done with the Weak Hero book. I guess we'll find out later. This was also inspired by the art above. 



I always wanted to know how Stephen activated his magic sparkles, so one day I decided to ask him "hey Stephen?" he was in his library and I just entered like I owned the place "what do you need Tony?". He floated down to me and set the books he picked out on the table "how do you do the little sparkle thing" he looks at me confused before making a shield "this?" I nod "yeah" I touch the top of it just to see what it felt like. I was honestly mesmerized by his ability to do this "well I never thought about doing it, it's kind of like breathing" I trace the edge of it "can I punch it" he smiles and nods.


Tony was really cute when he was curious, and honestly his dorky smile was adorable "ready?" I nod and expand the shield knowing he was going to put some kind of gadget on his hand "go ahead". He punched the shield as hard as he could and held his knuckles "jesus fuck" I was surprised he didn't put any gadgets on "you've seen people hit my shield and you decided to hit it as hard as you could" he nods "yep". I grab his hands in my shaky ones and examine it "doesn't look broken, looks like you might've cracked it though" he waves it off "i've had worse" he rolls his eyes and lets go of my hand.


I was tired and my hand hurt, but seeing the small smile on Stephen's lips after I hit the shield made it go away for a minute "anything else Tony?" I shrugged and sat down across from him "i'm bored now". He had an amused look on his face while I picked at a couple splinters in the table "what?" he shakes his head and starts to read while I then trace shapes on the table "you could always go to your lab" I nod "yeah I know but I don't want to be in there for a while since i've been in there for about 3 weeks straight". He shakes his head again "that's unhealthy" I roll my eyes "who are you my mom" he shrugs "if you want" I throw a splinter at him "shut up smart ass" he scoffs "who are you of all people calling a smart ass". 

I flip him off "can you open a portal to my liquor cabinet" he doesn't look up as he opens the portal for me "thanks" I smile widely and reach to grab a bottle out, he then closes it and makes a cup appear for me. About an hour later I was buzzing an giggling at everything "so what's it like being you and able to do magic trick "seriously?" he was amused by me "yes seriously" he stood and motioned for me to do the same. I did and walked over to him, he put his hand out and made a shield "ooo" me being the drunk flirt I am, walked closer to him and put my back against his chest, then placed my hand on the top of the shield. He laughs "you look like a little kid in a candy store" I ignore what he said and almost fell forward, but he wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his hand on my stomach "you are dumb" I shrug and smile softly as I trace the patterns on the shield.

His face was inches away from mine while he tried to make sure I didn't fall "it's so enticing how you do this" I leaned my head back on his shoulder "what else can you do" he started making small shapes all around us. I pushed off of him and poked one, it just morphed back into the correct shape "woah..." I stepped back but tripped over my own feet "shit!" I was waiting for the impact but it never came, only an arm around my waist to keep me from hitting the floor. I opened my eyes and saw Stephen looking pale "you do know how to walk don't you" I roll my eyes "yes, just not when i'm buzzed it throws my balance off just a little" he nods "only a little" I nod as well "yep". 

He was about to get us both up, but I pulled him down "Tony?" I leaned forward and kissed him before falling back and giggling "Tony are you buzzed or a functioning drunk" I shrug "look all I know is that I came here because I like you, but you never really even glanced in my general direction". I rolled onto my side and pouted "hey don't pout" I shrugged his hand off of my shoulder "Tony" I sniff "no" he sighs "please don't cry" I wipe my eyes "sorry" he puts his hand back on my shoulder "don't apologize it's fine you didn't do anything wrong".

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