Working Late~ Amerihawk

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AN: This is just going to be a short and sweet chapter.


I walked into the house that Steve and I shared around 3am. I tossed my no longer needed jacket on the table by the door and ran a hand through my messy hair. I knew Steve was gone right now, but I still looked around to see if he was here or not. He was with Tony working on some project for Peter. I took my shoes off and walked over to the couch. I laid on my back on the couch, then put my arms over my eyes. I was dead tired, and had been away since 12am the night before.


I walked into Clint and I's house at around 4:30 in the morning and expected Clint to be in our room asleep. When I saw he wasn't there it alarmed me a little, and I went downstairs. I saw his jacket and shoes by the door, so he should be home. I walked into the living room and relaxed when I saw him on the couch asleep. I crouched next to the couch and shook his shoulder slightly "Clint". He rolled to face away from me and huffed "Clint, come on, you can go back to sleep after you shower". I shook him again and he rolled to face me with his eyes half open "I don't wanna". I laugh and nod "Alright, then at least come up to our bed" he hums and grabs my shoulder to help himself up. I roll my eyes and pick him up "Hey, I can walk on my own" I nod "Right". I carry him up the stairs before he says something again "How was you thing with Tony?" his voice was quiet and tired. "It went fine, we did a lot of upgrades to Pete's suit, he basically lit up when we showed him" he gave me a loopy smile as I walked into our room. I set him on the bed before kicking my shoes off and tossing my jacket to the side. 

I laid in bed next to him and threw my shirt into the basket across the room "How was work?". I knew it was rough and long so I figured he would have a lot to say, then would tell me whether I asked or not. "Fury had me on a double mission, then gave me a ton of paperwork that was due 3 hours before I got it done, so i'd say fun". He turns and presses his cheek against my chest "He gave me the day off though so I guess it was a little worth it". I nod and kiss his forehead "I guess we can have a lunch date today then" he nods and a minute later he was dead asleep. I was awake a little after him to lean over and plug in our phones, then I went to sleep as well.

AN: So this is just a filler and I think I might do more of these along the way, just to have something in there.

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