Shooting~ Hawksilver

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AN: inspired by the picture. Probably be a short one I don't know yet.



It was a normal day, and I was heading to go practice shooting. I don't think I needed to do it anymore, but here I was. Though it was mostly because I was bored. Pietro came up to me while I was finishing up on my first target. "How do you do that?" I hum and turn to face him. He was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. "Do what?" he nods towards the target "shoot the arrow, I never understood how it worked". I nod "I can teach you if you'd like". We hadn't been together for long, maybe 2 weeks. I was still nervous around him, and I felt like a fucking school girl while he stalked over to me. I handed him my bow and took of my quiver "Alright, first is your feet, make sure they're shoulder width apart". He put his feet only a little below shoulder width, so I put my foot behind his back one and pushed his front foot with my other foot. 

"Now pull the arrow back" I put my hand on his left forearm to made sure he wasn't bending it while holding the bow in place. I put my other hand over his right one to show him how to hold the arrow in place. I pressed myself up against him in the process of doing this"Now when you let go make sure the string doesn't get caught on your fingers". He nods and I let go of his hands and put my hands on his hips to angle his upper body correctly. "Whenever you're ready" he nods and waits a couple seconds before letting go of the arrow. It wavered in the air and hit the outside area of the target "Damn, I honestly don't know how you do it". I shrug an grab the bow as he hands it to me "Years of practice". He hums "How long have you been shooting?" I squint my eyes as I think back. "Since I was 8 I think". He looked at me surprised "8? that's a long time to be shooting with how old you are". I roll my eyes "I swear to god kid, you get on my nerves". 

He laughs "Alright my turn to teach you". I smile as he copies what I did with my feet to push his. "Did I put your feet in the right spot?" I nod "Yeah". I pull the arrow back and aim while he put his hand on my forearm and his other hand on my hand holding the arrow like I did. "Alright, is it good?" I nod "Yep". He put his hands on my hips and pushed himself up against me. He was only 2 inches taller than me, but he also liked to rub it in my face. "I can almost see over your head" I rolled my eyes and tried to focus on aiming rather than his hands that were moving from my hips to my stomach. His chest pressed against my back as he leaned his chin on my shoulder that was pulling the arrow back. I let go of the arrow and it hit the dead center on the target. I could feel his lips form a smile on my neck "Still don't know how you aim the thing". His hot breath sent a shiver down my spine and his laugh rang into my ear. "Just habit I guess, I don't remember how I learned to aim it either" he nods and places a soft kiss on the back of my neck. I lean my head back on his shoulder and felt my face head up a little. 

"You're cute when you blush" I felt my face heat up even more. It was the first time we've had a moment like this since the first time we confessed. Technically he just came up and kissed me, but I still count it. He whispers in my ear, breaking me out of my thoughts "You're not very good with these kind of moments are you?". I shake my head "Not exactly" the only person i've ever been close like this with was Laura. We were more like friends though, not exactly a couple. We had an agreement, she was going to make her parents happy by having kids and I was finally going to have a family. Her parents found out about it and that's how I ended up here, finally with someone I can be a real couple with. Laura and I still talk, it's not like we just stopped talking altogether. We became really close over the years, and we connected on a friends basis. "I'm going to let you get back to work" Pietro kisses my neck once more before letting go. He was about to leave the room, but I stopped him "Unless you want to go watch a movie, I was basically finished in here anyway?". I wasn't basically finished, but it's not like I will die if I skip a day of practice. He nods "Sure" I gather my arrows with the help of Pietro and we left to go watch a movie in my room.


AN: I liked this one actually. It was short, but I didn't mind that. Let me know what you think, thanks for reading.

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