Famous~ Ironhawk

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AN: So I really like Ironhawk. I don't know if you can tell or not.


Seeing Tony Stark on TV had become normal. Nat really liked to watch the news and ever since she moved in, she has constantly been watching it. We got a house together after our last mission since Fury was paying for it. He wanted us to be close together in case of emergencies. He also wanted us to be closer to the agency in case he needed us immediately. Nat always lived closer than I did, so we got there at different times during an emergency. He would prefer if we got there at the same time, so here we are. I was sitting on the counter in the kitchen, shirtless, eating cereal, and scrolling through my phone when Nat called me into the living room. I dragged myself in there "What?" she nodded to the TV and I looked over. "Tony Stark presumed missing after an attack on Stark towers. Beloved Iron Man was protecting his employees, when he went missing" right after that, we got texts. It was Fury telling us to get there immediately. I ran upstairs to my room and threw a shirt on, along with jeans. Nat was waiting by the door when I came down and broke speed limits trying to get to the agency.

We pulled in and went up to Fury's office, where he was waiting with 2 files. "As you probably know, Tony Stark has gone missing. Without him, our city is in danger. Romanoff, you're in charge of keeping threats at bay. Barton, you're in charge of finding Stark" he gave us the files and we left. I sighed "Take care of Lucky for me" she nods "See you when you get back". I nod and left the agency. I took my motorcycle that I keep here to my house and pack a bag before leaving. I drove to a cafe and went over the files. The first thing I needed to do, was check out Stark tower. I had to find any clues that would tell me where these people took Stark. I took a coffee to go and headed there. I investigated the site and I have to say, the tower was ruined. It was almost collapsing and nobody was allowed near it. I had to show my badge just to get past a house 4 blocks away. 

I went to the top floor where it was said the bulk of the fight took place. I didn't really find anything though. Stark's room was somehow mostly untouched. The living room seemed to be the main area the fight took place in. I tore the rest of the place apart trying to find anything. I came out empty handed, until I went into the kitchen. A DVD was on the island and I was not excited to find out what was on it. I took it to Stark's room and opened his laptop. I bypassed his passwords and firewalls easily. I inserted the disk and waited for it to play. It was a recording of the main guy, and had Stark in the background looking like shit. He had burns all over his face and his shirt was unrecognizable. He was chained by his wrists, but the look on his face was something that caught my attention. He looked unfazed by everything. Even when someone put a stun baton to his side. He tensed up, his jaw clenched, and he closed his eyes, but he went back to an unfazed expression. 

I watched intently, translating every word that came out of the main guy's mouth. I knew German, so I easily picked up on it. He was basically saying that Stark was a fake and if he could easily catch him, than anyone could. I studied the video for hours, trying to figure out where it was filmed. I noticed a sign in the back. It was a Pizza sign "Gotcha". I grabbed my phone and looked up every location of Pan's Pizza. It was probably the worst name for a pizza place, but I thought it might be good to try later. It took me days to even get out of New York because of how many Pan's Pizza places there were. Good thing is, there were only a couple outside of New York. I was getting closer. I only had 2 more to go, and I knew it was probably going to be the last place I checked. I walked to my second to last one and looked around to see a weird building across the street. It was a bad neighborhood, so I figured it was a given. I made my way over and quietly tried to open the door. It was locked. I went up to the roof from the ladder on the side of the building. 

I pulled up the vent cover and climbed in. I sent a quick message to Nat, telling her that I might've found the place. I slowly climbed through the vents, making as little noise as possible. I looked down through a cover. 3 people were in a room. One was obviously the boss since he was in a chair behind the desk. One of the others was the main guy from the video and the other was a random. I listened intently, trying to hear if they were saying anything about where Stark was. "The target is on the move. Already cleared New York. The bait worked, and Fury sent him just like planned" I rolled my eyes and continued listening. "Good, make sure this doesn't end badly" the guy from the video nodded before leaving. I kept moving silently, trying to find where the guy went. The vents got darker and darker the longer I was lost in them. It was pitch black now, and I was trying not to fall through a hole or hit the side of a shaft. I felt my heart stop when and vent broke and I almost hit the floor. I grabbed the cover before it hit and held onto the edge of the vent with my other hand. 

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