Kitchen~ Hawksilver

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AN: This is going to be the normal AU.


I was minding my own business. Standing in the kitchen. Sending a quick text to Nat to ask her when she was going to be home. Steve came in with these new kids. Pietro and Wanda were nice. Tony, Banner, and Thor were with him. Now he's pestering me about going to a circus with the new kids. "Come on Barton, we need to do something with them before the training starts tomorrow" I rolled my eyes. "Pick something else, i'm not going to a circus" he sighed "Stop being stubborn". I scoffed and went to leave the kitchen. He grabbed my shoulder to stop me "What has gotten into you? Why are you so sensitive about a circus? They're filled with exciting acts. Did something happen to you when you were younger or something?". I shrugged his hand off and went to leave again, but he spun me around again. "Barton, you have to talk to us. You-" I cut him off as I was getting pissed. "I don't have to do anything Rogers" I saw the twins in the back looking awkward, Tony had stepped forward and was looking between us, Banner had a surprised look on his face, and Thor just looked confused. 

He frowned "Barton, I think of the Avengers as a family ok?". This started off ok, but it just got worse "I want to think of you as my brother, but you just keep pushing everyone away. It's like you don't want to have a family". I was already pissed, but this sent me over the edge "You're not my brother Rogers, I don't need another fake family. So take the others who want to have you as family and do something that does not include me". I slammed the kitchen door as I left and went up to the roof. Nat had texted that she was on her way back, but I just threw my phone off the side of the tower. I wasn't in the mood for anything, and I could just get a replacement. I put my arms over my face and took a much needed nap on the cement. I woke up to Nat shaking me awake. "Glad to see you aren't dead. Tony told me what happened" I hummed and put my arms back over my face. "Clint, come on" she pulled me up by my arm and guided me back into the tower. She put me in my room "Go to sleep in here" I laid on my bed immediately and fell asleep quickly. 

In the morning, the tower was somewhat quiet. Steve was gone for his run, Banner was in his lab, Tony was in his lab, Nat was at the agency, and Thor was in Asgard. I went to the kitchen and made coffee before sitting on the counter while drinking out of the pot. As I was finishing the pot off, Wanda came into the kitchen and sent me a smile. "You drink that entire thing?" I nodded and washed out the pot before starting another for those who wanted some. "Impressive" she sat on the island across from me. I gave her a curious look "What do you usually do around here?". I shrugged "Nothing really, until Fury calls me". Nat left a replacement phone on my nightstand before she left, so I was waiting for Fury still. "That's boring" I smiled a little. "There is a TV Y'know" she shrugs and hops off the island "Want to watch something with me?". I hopped off the counter and we both sat on the couch while she was picking something on the TV. 

The front door opened in the middle of movie. We were watching Willy's Wonderland. I knew Steve had walked in, so I ignored him and kept watching the movie. Wanda had glanced back, but she didn't say anything to him. He went upstairs without saying anything and Wanda had glanced at me. I heard Tony's lab open before he emerged and made a straight shot for coffee. He plopped down on the couch between us and started watching the movie with us. He didn't say anything while the movie was playing, but Steve came in. He sat in the armchair to the side of the couch where I was. Tony glanced at him and had a pissed expression on his face. I continued ignoring Steve until him and Tony got into a small argument. "Can you just leave it alone Rogers? For once in your life, stop talking" I glanced between them. They were arguing about stupid crap once again. "I'm just saying that they need to start training today, we're already behind" Tony sighed "They're barely adults, let them get some rest and adjust before starting training". 

Steve looked at me "Barton was training on the bow and arrow every day when he was 9, i'm pretty sure they can handle it". I gave him a dirty look and Tony snapped at him "Stop bringing Clint into arguments. You can't leave him out of it for one day?". Wanda had paused the movie since they were getting louder "I'm just saying that he was training when he was much younger than them". I wanted to say something, but it would only make my situation worse than it is "Clint hates training for that reason Rogers, so leave it be". Steve scoffed "He does not hate it" Tony looked at me, followed by Steve. I sighed "I have always hated it Rogers, you're just too self-centered to see it". I was forced to train on the bow and arrow every day from 9 to 17. I continue to hate training. I got up "I'm going upstairs" Steve stood to stop me. I however, pushed his hand off and went up the stairs. I made it to the top of the stairs when Pietro came speeding down the hall. 

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