Secrets~ SamBucky

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AN: finished the falcon and the winter soldier for the millionth time I am also cutting a lot of dialogue out in the episodes because I don't feel like writing it. Also read an entire argument on how people try to push straight characters to be gay, and I just wanna say I am writing this for fun and games, I do not wish to push any characters to be gay. My entire friend group calls me lesbian and I keep fighting them on it explaining that I am straight but they just don't listen so I get it and just wanted people to know I was just messing around with ideas in this series.



It's been a while since the whole Karli situation and I haven't spoke to Sam in a couple weeks, but to be fair I have been avoiding him for some time "you should talk to him" I was currently visiting Zemo in prison. I took him back after the whole thing and just wanted to clean up the mess we made "why do I need to talk to him, we don't really have anything coming up" he rolls his eyes "what? the only time we hang out is when we have like an event planned or something". He mumbles something under his breath "you look better than when you dropped me off, sleeping better?" I nod "yeah, not as many nightmares, wait how do you know about them" he smiles "Sam had to explain it to me when we were staying that that apartment, you were freaking out in your sleep". He paused "I was going to wake you up when he stopped me and told me to let you ride it out" I stood and was pacing "I can't even remember what I was dreaming about" he shrugged "neither do we, all we knew was that you woke a few minutes later and went to get something to drink".

I left a little after our heart to heart about my nightmares and I started wondering why Zemo said that I should talk to him "ugh for fuck" I pull out my phone and text him 'any chance I could stop by, I don't have anything better to do' I got a reply within seconds 'sure, we just got back'. I put my phone back in my pocket and start heading to Sam's "you're the Winter Soldier right" I look at the old man who asked "no i'm not" I walk past him noticing the looks I was getting as I was walking. I reach Sam's and knock on the door "hey Bucky, any reason for the surprise" I shake my head looking back "not particularly, I did visit Zemo earlier though" he moves aside and lets me in. AJ and Cass came running to the front door "Bucky!" I smiled and they ran right into me "hey guys, what's going on" they were messing with my metal arm when I looked back and saw the look Sam was giving me "what?". He waved off AJ and Cass "boys go help your mama with the boat outside" they run outside and I follow Sam into the kitchen "what's bothering you Bucky" I lean against the door frame "I don't know what you're talking about". 

He turned around and gave a look "Bucky I know when something's bothering you, what happened" he crosses his arms "on the way here someone asked me if I was the Winter Soldier, also everyone and their fucking dog was staring at me as I was walking". He nods and turns back around pouring himself and I a glass of orange juice "well I know what might explain that" he throws a paper at me and I catch it reading the first line 'Winder Soldier rumored to be free' with a picture of me underneath it. I sigh and run a hand through my hair "well that explains it" I throw it back at him as he smiled "come get your fucking orange juice" I grab the cup from him while rolling my eyes. We both jump when we notice Agent Hill here "mind knocking next time" I wipe the orange juice off my hand with a napkin and Sam sits there with his arms crossed "why did Fury send you instead of come himself". She shrugs "busy with something, but so is everyone else and you two were the only ones not so here" she threw files on the table "wait, we literally just saved the world" she nods "he apologizes but he's struggling with an issue regarding Spider-Man and can't do it himself, you two just have to get in and out of it just for some information".

I open the file taking a sip of orange juice only for it to come out of my nose once I read what we had to do "you've got to be kidding" she smiled "you two were also the only ones around another person". I toss the file to Sam who looked confused until he read it as well "we have to pretend to be dating seriously" she nods "sorry gentlemen, I have to go" she leaves through the front door this time "alright when do we have to do this shit". He looks at his phone "it's the 27th right" I nod "tonight at 7pm" I nod "alright this is going to be fun, truthfully we just have to get pictures of the workers and when we're done we enjoy the party until it's over". Fury needed to know everyone who could possible be working for the person in charge and needed us to take pictures of all of the people running around with trays "seems fun can't wait" I nod "I have to wear a suit don't I". 

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