Pasts~ IronHawk

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AN: I don't know what this one is either so just again roll with it. Sorry for making Steve an asshole, I love him but I needed a bad guy and was using him as a sacrificial lamb. Also just go along with the ages idek what I was doing.



The good thing about Natasha revealing S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files is that my past isn't on there, but the bad news is I have a triple digit kill(it literally says triple digit kill with actual amount unknown), no confirmed age, and no reason behind it meaning people thought I was a terrible person. I was hiding in the vents because I didn't want to know what the team thought of me now, I knew that Steve would be pissed and want to know why the kill count was that high, or what reason I killed those people for, or how I don't have a confirmed age. I just really didn't want to talk about how I was forced to kill in a circus and then became an assassin for S.H.I.E.L.D. before becoming an avenger, which I think is reasonable. The news was all over it and didn't know what to think of me because I killed people, but i'm also an avenger "Clint!" I knew that they probably figured I was hiding in the vents and were going to try and lure me out. 

I heard Tony sigh "Clint, come out, we don't care about what happened in your past, and Steve isn't here to question you yet" I look through the grate and see him, Natasha, Wanda, and Bruce "i'm not a bad person am I?". Natasha looks through the grate at me "no Birdie, you're not a bad person" she pushes it open and I move back to allow her to climb in, followed by the others "you don't have to explain yourself to Steve, you know that right". I shrug at Tony and he sighs "listen, I don't explain myself so why should you have to" I roll my eyes "do you have an unknown kill count that is confirmed to be in the triple digits" he shrugs "I used to make weapons and one of my men were dealing under the table behind my back, I was the reason for a lot of deaths". I roll my eyes "that's like blaming the company Smith and Wesson for making the gun that someone killed your loved one with, you didn't pull the trigger Tony, I did" we heard footsteps below us and I shushed anyone who wanted to speak.

Steve was below us and knocked on my door "Clint, we need to talk" when he didn't hear an answer he opened the door and sighed when he didn't find me "Clint! come out of the vents, I just want to talk". I knew Steve wasn't going to climb in here so I just watched him rub his face "I really wish you wouldn't do this whenever you didn't want to deal with something" Natasha gets up and leaves the vents waving everyone but me out "her Steve, we were looking in the vents and couldn't find him, then we heard you yelling". Steve nods "why is he hiding, and where could he have gone" Natasha shrugs "he could go anywhere without being seen, and he's hiding because he doesn't like talking about his past, and I don't blame him". Natasha made a mistake implying that she knew about my past to him, though she did, he was now going to interrogate her "well if you know can you tell me why his kill count is so high" she shakes her head "Clint doesn't like people knowing about his past, he's ashamed of it and Fury kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files for a reason". 

Steve ran a hand through his hair "who knows about his past other than you" he leans against the wall "only Fury, but Phil did before he died too" he sighs "great the most secretive people know and the one person who would've told me is dead". Natasha shrugs "you shouldn't pry into his past anyway, it's not anyone's business why his stats are the way they are" Tony nods and so does Wanda and Bruce "Steve just let him be, his past obviously is a sore subject". He shakes his head "did you forget that he has triple digit kills! we don't even know how many people he's killed or how many more he will kill" Natasha shut him down quickly "no, you will not talk about Clint like that in front of me, he's a good person who had bad luck". I heard him storm off and that's when I decided to change to the spot that not even Natasha knew about in the vents, either way it had a great view of above the city and I knew nobody could find me here so Steve would never find me. 

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