A New Beginning~ Hawksilver

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AN: This is the other mafia au one enjoy. in this Clint is 23 and Pietro is 21, this is the only story right now that is going to be like this, the rest will have Clint as 26 and Pietro 20.



I know that working for a mafia at my age comes with perks and shit shows, I was only working as Fury's right hand because of how long he's known me "Barton, I have a meeting with the Maximoffs today, can you call and make sure they're coming" I nod. He smiles menacingly "I think you'll like Pietro, handsome young man" I smile and shake my head "how old is he" he throws a file at me and I catch it "thanks" he nods and I read it "21 huh" he leans back in his chair "not up for the challenge?". I smirk "please, i'm not Natasha's best friend for no reason... you're right he is handsome" he grabs the file that I was holding out to him "what's the meeting about" he waves me off "you'll find out in the meeting". I walk off "gonna go call" I heard him rustling around in his desk as I walked outside "hello?" I forgot I was calling them at one point "i'm calling on behalf of Fury making sure you'll make it to the meeting today". I heard some people discussing stuff "yes, we'll be there in 10 minutes" I nod like they're actually here "alright" they hung up and I walked back into the room "they'll be here in 10 minutes, do I need to get Natasha" Fury nods "yes, i'll be in the meeting room".

It took me 10 minutes to actually find her then we had to run to the meeting room "maybe they're late, I told you we had a meeting today" I opened the door as she retaliates "you never told me". I shush her as they stared "sorry we're late, we ran into an issue" Fury waves us over and was stand by his sides with our hands behind our backs and at attention "don't mind them, they're just here because if I don't have at least two people by my side at all times i'll get in trouble". The siblings nod and sit down across from Fury "you wanted a partnership, but the only way we do partnerships is pulling the two groups together to become one" I glance at Natasha and she does the same before we go back to looking at them. Fury nods "I know, that's what I was planning on, you two and your men will get one half of the building while I get the other and we share the training room". Fury motioned to me "I will have Barton to  move between the two sides to keep peace, run files to you, and grab things needed for both sides" they nod "do you know if he's faithful, will he turn on you" Fury shakes his head "Barton and Romanoff would be the ones who would die before switching sides". 

Well if we switch sides we'll be dead anyway and we prefer Fury, he's a lot nicer than other leaders and treats us with as much respect as we treat him with "how will we know that he can keep peace". Fury pulls up a video of me fighting off 30 men "Barton is excellent in all fields and can read people like an open book, he knows what they're going to do before they even know what they're going to do". Natasha glances at me while smiling before going back to attention "and Romanoff is good in hand to hand combat, also knowing what they're going to do before they do it, there's a reason these two were chosen to be by my side". The siblings nod "alright then Fury, you have a deal" he nods and turns to me "go get the files off my desk" I nod and walk out of the room to grab the files, but when I get back something felt off and I looked around closely while handing the files to the siblings for them to look over. I noticed one of the doors looking slightly open and walk over to Fury leaning down to whisper it "someone's in the room to your right, looking inside" he nods "thank you" I get back in attention with my hands behind my back.

I wait for them to sign "Barton" I nod and grab the files as they hand them to me "alright Barton go ahead I know you've been itching to do it" I nod before taking my knife out and throwing it through the crack in the door. We hear a muffled scream and I walk over opening the door "who are you" the guy didn't say anything and I looked to Fury who shook his head, so I grabbed his arms and took him to the closest guard around to take him somewhere else. I walk back in and stand next to Fury "how did he know he was in there" Fury looks to me and nods "I can feel when someone it looking at me, I know when moods in a room change, and I know how to look for differences in a room after I leave". They both nod "like how you moved closer to your sister after I took the knife out of my pocket" the Pietro guy nods "why didn't she act on it" he nodded to Natasha "she's back up for Barton if things go south while in here, but on the field she's different". Natasha nods and a video of her kicking ass is pulled up "I see why you keep these two close" Fury nods "known them for longer than they've worked for me so I know them personally as well".

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