letters~ Ironhawk

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AN: Secret love letters. 


I groaned as I laid on my bed. My roommate Scott laughed and sat on his bed. "Another one?" I huffed "Yes". I had been getting love letters for weeks and I still couldn't figure out who they were from. "Who do you think they're from?" I shrugged from my place on the bed. I huffed and rolled onto my back "I don't know, man. It's getting annoying though". I tossed the letter to the side and he walked to sit in my desk chair. He opened it "Oh come on. It's sweet". I glared at him "Shut up". He smiled "Ok cupcake" I flipped him off and he stood "Look, there's a party tonight. The girl has to be there. Look for anyone giving you looks and ask if it's them". I nodded and stood "Fine". We went to a pretty large college, so finding who it was would be a chore. I did not feel like doing it, but this was getting out of hand. 


I looked at Pepper in disbelief "You've been doing what?". She laughed "They guy you like. I have been writing down what you tell me and slipping the letters under the door". I groaned and leaned against the wall next to me. "Seriously?" she nodded and smiled. "Listen, you like him. You have never been shy about liking someone. Why now?" I shrugged and tried to ignore the loud music and people dancing in the room. "Because it's feels different" she nodded "I see your problem. You aren't going for his looks. You're going for his personality". I nodded and scratched the back of my neck "He's nice, he's smart, and he's funny Pepper. Extremely funny". She smiled "What else?". I shrugged and huffed "Leave it alone Pepper. I'm not telling you anything else. I don't need you slipping more notes under his door". She laughed a little "Fine, just have a little fun while we're out". I nodded and took the shot she had been holding. I downed it and smiled when she scolded me.


I didn't care who was sending the letter. I already liked someone, abd it was definitely not him. Tony Stark does not slip love letters under people's door. He's also a major playboy, and sleeps with people he thinks look good. I'm not interested in that part. Tony is actually nice when you talk to him. He's extremely smart, sarcastic, funny, and considerate. He does not let you know that though. I've had one conversation with his best friend Pepper, who told me all of this. I have no reason not to believe her since I don't see a reason to lie about all of that. I also don't know him like she does since they grew up together. I threw on jeans and an avenged sevenfold shirt. I left with Scott, who had on jeans and a button up shirt. I crossed my arms as he put his arm around my shoulder on the way into the party "I'm just saying it could be fun to let loose and not worry about whoever it is that is sending you letters". I flipped him off "I'll have fun when i'm dead". He laughed and pulled me to the make shift bar. He poured me a glass of straight tequila and I downed it quickly. I grimmaced at the taste before grabbing a coke.

Scott shook his head and led me to the basement of the house where it was more clear. I noticed Tony standing to the side with Pepper, and looking a bit drunk. there was more alcohol down here. I was distracted until Scott put his arm around me again "Guys this is my roommate Clint. He needs a night out and free from stress, so let's show him a good time". The guys around me smiled and this was where it got a little out of hand. I was given several drinks to try before we all agreed to play truth or dare. Some girl brought it up when telling a story of how much she used to play it. Drunk college kids and truth or dar is not a good combination to say the least. Scott spun the bottle and it landed on me "Truth or dare lightweight". I flipped him off "Kiss my ass. Dare". He smiled as I momentarily forgot that he knew about my crush on Tony. Tony Stark. The one that's also playing the game. Tony, who is sitting right next to me. I didn't know when this had happened. He smiled "I dare you to play seven minuted in heaven" I nod and stood. "With who?" he shrugged "Whoever goes in". I huffed and walked towards the closet "You're a toddler". He flipped me off and I rolled my eyes before going into the closet. 

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