Petty Arguments~ Hawksilver

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AN: Something went down. So here I am writing to get it out of my head at midnight. Also in this all of the avengers are in high school. it's also a vampire AU, Pietro is the vampire.


I've been taking care of myself for as long as I can remember. Same house, same school, same responsibilities. Until my father finally passed. He drunk himself into a coma and the entire school knew my home situation. My school was comprised of mostly humans, but some were vampires of the lower class. I was thrown into the foster care system at 17 and I had no hope. However, I was almost immediately taken out. All I knew about my foster father was that he was important, and I was living in a huge mansion. He had asked about my bow, but I blew him off. His name is Nick Fury, but most people call him Fury and he said I could as well if I wanted. 

My bow was a gift from my brother when I was 9. Of course it was a different smaller bow, but he got me a new one when I was 11. He died a week later in a drive by. Apparently, he was standing close to a vampire family. They were the actual target, he was just a bystander that had the misfortune of being in the way. I've been on my own ever since. My father wasn't home, unless he had alcohol there and was drinking himself to sleep on the couch. I had a large room with a walk in closet and some clothes were already in the room for me. Today though, I go to a new school. I am not exactly excited for it. Mostly because it was mostly comprised of higher up vampires. 


Natasha had been bragging all week that her childhood best friend was going to be coming to our school today. She told us that he was human, and the last time she saw him he was 10. According to her, he was good with a bow and arrow. In our school, you had one classroom that taught you everything. There were whispers around my group that her friend was going to be in our class. Turns out it was true. 3 hours after school started a short, blue eyed, dirty blonde haired boy walked into our classroom with Nick Fury following behind him. "Sorry Coulson, had an issue this morning. Couldn't find..something he needed" Mr Coulson nodded "Alright". This boy seemed guarded and a little nervous. "So, why don't you tell us your name and 3 things about yourself" he nodded slightly and turned to face the class.

He didn't really make eye contact with anyone until he noticed Natasha and seemed to relax a bit. "My name is Clint Barton, I'm 17, human, and my favorite book is The longest Walk by Stephen King" Coulson nodded. "Alright, welcome Clint, right now we have nothing to do. Just pick a seat and do something to keep you busy, even talk" he hummed and walked towards Natasha. She smiled at him "Well Clinton, glad to see you haven't changed". He shook his head and sat next to her "Glad to see you haven't dyed your hair". She sent him a sarcastic smile and he shook his head. "Hey why didn't you just say you had an older brother?" he froze a little bit and glanced around at the rest of the group.


I didn't really want to announce that he had died "It's a long story". She nodded and I glanced at the silver haired guy who had been staring me down since I came here before lying my head down and taking a nap. I woke up to a loud bang that made my ears ring and felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I winced and held my arm before I was pinned to the floor. "You motherfucker! You killed him, I know it was you" I winced as this guy's fangs sunk into my neck. I snapped out of my surprised and twisted so that I ripped my neck away from him before he was pulled off of me. Two lines of ripped flesh was on my neck and I held the area as it drained down to my shirt. Natasha bent down next to me and moved my hand.

"Hang on" she turned around and pointed to Pietro who was standing over the unconscious guy. "Get the first aid kit, Tony go get Coulson" a brunette run off with a tall blonde following and the silver haired guy named Pietro brought a first aid kit over. "Move your head and your hand Clint" I moved my head to the side and rested my hand in my lap after sitting up. "You shouldn't have moved like that, it made it worse" I was surprised by his accent but I shrugged after a pause "Rather this than give him the satisfaction". Natasha shook her head "Don't try to talk sense into him, there's nothing going on in his head". I rolled my eyes "You're dramatic" she pours rubbing alcohol on my neck and I winced. "Ow" she smiled "I'm not dramatic". 

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