College~ Hawksilver

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AN: So um hi? Still obsessed, I swear it will end soon. Probably not, don't listen to me. Still rolling with the College AU, at one point it will be normal again I swear.



I walked into my English class and sat in the back right corner of the class where my childhood friend Natasha sat. "Hey Clint" I send her a thin smile "Hey" she frowns. "Rough morning?" I shrug "Overslept, woke dad up, and was 10 minutes late for my first class". She smiles as I practically throw myself into the seat "Could be worse". I nod "True" I look up as our other friends Tony and his boyfriend Steve sit in front of us. "Hey" Tony hums and lays his head on his desk "Hey Clint" Steve looked tired as well. Thinking about what happened last night with them made me sick and I gagged while Natasha shook her head. "Don't wanna know, not looking you in the eyes today" he shrugged and turned back around. I didn't look up until the teacher told us there were new students. "Alright this is Pietro and Wanda Maximoff" I froze when I saw a guy with beautiful lightening blue eyes and dyed silver hair. "See someone you like" I elbow Natasha and even though I knew she wasn't talking about who I liked.

I was gay and not ashamed of it, that's not why I didn't tell anyone. "Shut up" I never told anyone because it could go around fast and my father could hear about it. He isn't like my mother. My mother is sweet and caring, never hurt me and always cared for me when my father didn't. Natasha elbowed me "You have a chaaance~". I stick my tongue out at her "I'd rather stay single" Natasha rolls her eyes. "You always do". I shrug and focus back to the front of the room "Alright introduce yourself and tell us three things about yourself, but first does Clint have his hearing aids today?". I smile "You can't hold that against me forever" she nods "Uh-huh, how do you forget hearing aids again?". I shrug "Mrs. Hill, I am a very busy person in the morning" she laughs "Alright then". She turns to Pietro and Wanda "Go ahead". The girl goes first "Wanda Maximoff, i'm 20, 12 minutes younger than Pietro, and i'm openly lesbian". I smirk and look at Natasha who's jaw was a little slack "you'll catch flies". I close her mouth and she swats my hand away. Pietro goes next "Pietro Maximoff, 20, i'm fast, and openly gay" I acted like I wasn't interested in that. Really, I felt like fucking celebrating even though I knew nothing was going to happen with it.

Only my luck would have Pietro placed across the aisle from me and Wanda was placed next to him "Now Clint I don't need any bad influence on them on their first day". Mrs. Hill is a very fun teacher and always joked around with all the students. She picked on me from the start because of the forgetting my hearing aids thing. She was always nice and we built a really good student/teacher relationship. I went to her when I had trouble in any of my classes, either her of Mr. Coulson because I actually trusted them to some degree. "Nah, maybe on their second" she shakes her head and continues teaching while I decide to mess with Steve. He was the one sitting directly in front of me this class, and most of the day since we had a lot of the same classes. I started with poking him in the back with a pencil, until he turned around grabbed the pencil and broke it "Quit". He was laughing while saying it so I know I wasn't really annoying him. I dripped a little water from my bottle on his back which made him shiver and turn around. I was laughing my ass off and so was Natasha who was watching the entire thing. Tony opened his eyes slightly "I hate sitting near you guys I swear" he also laughed. I knew if we woke him up again he wouldn't be laughing so I left them alone. 

After class, I had a break with Tony and decided to drag him to the on campus cafe. It was a little shack like cafe and was really cozy. It was homemade coffee and you got to watch them make it behind a glass, and was the best coffee i've ever had. Plus Tony needed to wake up, so I figured I would buy him his favorite coffee. It was also an apology for waking him up during his nap. "Why don't you live on campus if your home life is that bad?" we had our coffees, and were sitting at a table in a corner. "My mom, she would be heartbroken, and I feel guilty leaving her there" Tony and Natasha are the only people that know, and I made Tony promise not to tell Steve. Tony does a lot of things, but breaking his word is not one of them. "That's a good reason actually, I didn't think it would be that depressing though" I laugh and shake my head. He shrugs "Thanks for the coffee" I nod "Yep". I waved at Sam and Bucky, who were behind the counter. I worked here 3 days a week after classes, and saw them a lot. They were both cool and funny, I enjoyed working with them. "How are you and Steve?" he smiles "Better, not fighting anymore" I nod "Took my advice?". 

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