Parties~ Amerihawk

18 1 0

AN: Another apology for the other chapter.


I leaned against the wall and kept to the back of Tony's party. I didn't fair well with parties. I didn't like the loud noise. Tony's parties sometimes got out of hand, and I didn't enjoy going to them. He decided to make all of the avengers come. I looked around and was glad to see that I wasn't the only one suffering. Steve looked awkward, and Thor looked annoyed a bit. They were the more popular heroes, so they were surrounded. Especially Steve. He glanced at me, and I could tell he wanted out. I made my way over and tapped him on the shoulder "Can I borrow you for a moment?". He looked relieved before turning around "Sorry, business to take care of". He made his escape and walked over to the bar with me. I didn't pay any mind to the bartender as we spoke. "Thanks, you really saved me over there" I shrugged and messed with the glass. 

"Sacrificed myself too. Now they're glaring at me" he looked back and smiled. "Either way, thanks" I nodded "No problem grandpa". He shook his head with a smile and the bartender gave us drinks. He nodded to the other side of the counter and I saw two women raise their cups to us. I smiled to Steve before raising my glass and taking a drink. I stopped, tasting something in the drink. I stopped Steve from drinking it and stumbled a little. He put his hand on my shoulder "Clint?" I blinked hard. "Don't drink it. It's drugged" Steve nodded and kept his hand on my shoulder while waving Tony over. He came over and the bartender tried to make a run for it. Natasha got him before he could leave and Tony ended the party. I stumbled back and Steve put his arm around my shoulder. "Hang on Clint" he rested his hand on my forearm. 

Natasha came over and put her wrist to my forehead "He's got a fever". I felt everything on me grow hotter by the second. I knew what the drug was and what they intended to do when they drugged us, but I was not about to admit it. "Steve, can you take him upstairs and keep an eye on him?" Natasha also knew what it was. Steve nodded, unaware of what was coursing through me. He put an arm around my waist and led me upstairs. I tripped on one and he held me up while I grabbed onto the rail. He lifted me "Come on, almost there" I flinched as his touch left tingles on my skin. He led me to my room and I leaned on my desk. "Clint?" I nodded and he pulled me towards my bed. I was quick to pin him to the bed straddling him and press my lips to his. He kissed back and I moved down to his neck. His hands went onto my shoulders "Clint". He tried again "Clint, you're drugged and not thinking straight". 

He put his hand on the back of my neck, getting my attention. "Clint" I let my head fall against his shoulder and fell limp. "Go to sleep" I nodded and felt my eyes drop. I didn't dream, and it felt like blinking. I woke up with a major migraine and exhausted. I was still on top of Steve while he was dead asleep. I lifted my head and tried not to wake him up and I moved off of the bed. Steve turned to face the wall and I stumbled into the bathroom in my room. I rooted through the cabinet until I found Tylenol and took two of them. I didn't remember a lot, but I did remember coming up the stairs with Steve. I leaned against the wall behind me and slid down to a sitting position. I was sitting there for a hour and a half trying to remember the events of last night when a soft knock sounded at the door. 

I looked over and Steve was leaning against the door frame. He walked over and sat next to me on the floor. "Do you remember anything?" I shrug and run a hand through my hair. "I remember coming up the stairs with you, but it's all fuzzy after that" he nods and smiles. "Guess that's a good thing" I covered my face a groaned. "Do I even want to know?" he laughed "Well, you straddled me and kissed me". I let my head hit the wall behind me "I'm awful". He shakes his head "To be fair you were drugged". I nodded and shrugged "Can't stand people" he nods "Saved me thankfully". He sent me a smile and I shook my head, regretting it as the headache was coming back. I took more Tylenol from the bottle I set on the floor next to me. "I should've let you suffer too. I feel like i'm dying" he smiled "Well, there's no telling what would've happened if both of us got drugged". 

I knew what he was saying and nodded. He stood and held out a hand "Come on" I took his hand and he pulled me up. He held my shoulder to stabilize me before leading me downstairs. I made a straight shot for the coffee pot and sat on the counter while drinking out of it. I poured Steve a cup with enough room to add sugar and he took it thankfully. Natasha came in while I had my head leaned against the cabinet. "Morning sunshine. Don't you look dashing" I flipped her off and took a drink out of the coffee pot. "Don't forget to leave some for Tony" I nodded tiredly and waited until Tony came in to drink more. "How ya feeling birdbrain?" I shrug and he smiled. "Don't sorry about leaving any. I have a pot in my lab brewing. Figured you would need a lot" I nodded "Thanks". He smiled a little and I felt my eyes dropping again. 

I almost dropped the pot, but I felt it pulled out of my hand gently before I was out. I woke up on the couch and very confused. I was still tired, but I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. I checked the time to see that it was noon. I rolled off of the couch and rubbed my face as I stood. I looked at I was texted "Morning Agent Barton. Take the next couple of days off. Romanoff has informed me of the events". I shrugged and sat back down on the couch. The next couple of days were nice. I was lounging around in my room and sleeping off the aftermath of the drug as everything from that night came back. I especially remembered leaving a dark red mark on Steve's neck. I avoided him and went on several missions to avoid being at home. Nat noticed and finally caught me on my way in. She blocked my way, and I was too tired to fight with her "Nat what do you need?". 

She crossed her arms "What's going on? You don't willingly take missions out of the needs to be done pile unless something's wrong, so what is it?". I shrugged and she shook her head "Clint" I sighed and moved to sit on the couch. She sat next to me and glanced at me "I remember what happened the night I was drugged". She winced and I looked at her surprised "He told you?". She nodded "Yeah, he was worried about you and told me to keep an eye on you. I asked him why and he told me everything that happened. Also that he knew how tentative you need to be spoke to about certain topics like relationship type things". I rolled my eyes and she smiled "Showed me the hickey too. I'm the one that covered it for him, so that you didn't have to be embarrassed". I nodded and she put her hand on my shoulder "Go to bed Clint. It's late". I nod and stand with her. She pushes me upstairs before stopping at Steve's door and pulling me back. "Talk to him, he's worried" I tried to refuse, but she wouldn't let me.

I sighed before knocking on the door as she left. Steve opened the door looking like he just woke up and really hot. He scratched the back of his head and yawned "Clint? What time is it?". I shrugged "I'm not sure, but Nat told me you were worried". He nodded "She told on me huh?" I smiled and shrugged. "I didn't know how you were doing after everything" I nodded as my eyes went to the light red mark on his neck. "I'm sorry for attacking you" he smiled and shrugged "It wasn't too bad". I nodded, catching onto some of the hints. "Well, I did kind of molest you" I was testing the waters a little. He laughed a little "I suppose so, but it wasn't something I hated. You were also a little out of it". I smiled "I'm not out of it now" he had a small bit of hope in his eyes that didn't go unnoticed by me. "I've noticed" I took a small step forward and he stepped aside to let me into his room. 

I walked in and looked around at how clean it was. "Don't spend much time in here do you?" he shrugged "Got a lot to do". He closed his door and I turned to face him. I caught him off guard as I stepped forward when he turned around. He smiled and put his hand on the back of my neck. He pulled me forward and pressed his lips to mine softly. He walked me backwards until my knees hit the bed and I fell back. His hands were placed on my hips and his knee went between my legs. I put my hands into his hair as he kissed down my neck. I flipped us quickly and straddled him again. "This is familiar" I smiled as I pressed my lips to his roughly. His hands met my bare back as he caressed my sides. I moved to his neck and created a new mark before I yawned. He kissed my temple before relaxing into the bed again. "Get some sleep. We can continue in the morning" I smiled into his neck "I'm holding you to that". He laughed a little and I because glad that Tony throws so many parties.

AN: Oh hi. Funny seeing you here.

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