Boxes~ Ironhawk

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AN: So this is this one. I got half the idea from a story i'm working on that I haven't posted yet.


I was moving into a new neighborhood. I had previously called some friends over to help me. I called Steve, Bucky, Sam, Thor, Brucie, Natasha, and Peter over. We were all now hanging out at my house. Natasha had recommended the neighborhood to me. She said that her best friend had told her there was a house across the street from him. She spoke about him on occasion, but never brought him up unless needed. I had also never seen him before. Natasha said that he had a job that required him to travel a lot, so I didn't really think much of it. I assumed they worked together since she had to travel a lot too. She said it was a nice neighborhood and that nothing bad really happened. She looked a little on edge though. Like she was worried about something. I had seen her like this before, then she disappeared for 3 months without a word. Her phone rang and she picked it up in a hurry. "Romanoff" she then walked out of the room. We continued our debate on movies while she was gone.

"Just saying that you should go watch The Nun. It's pretty good" Steve shrugged at Bucky "I have never heard of that once in my entire life". Natasha came back in a little after we decided to watch Finding Nemo. "I gotta head next door for a minute. I'll be back" she left in a rush. I , being a little curious, went outside and leaned against the railing of my porch. I saw a car pull up to the sidewalk, and the most interesting person got out of the car. He was short, blonde, and had stunning blue eyes. What caught my attention was the injuries he had. I saw blood on his clothes and face. He looked tired. He was also cute, which added to my interest. I analyzed him for less than a second before he met my gaze. Natasha turned before putting her hands on her hips. He was leaning against his car, and she shook her head. She waved me over and I casually walked over like I wasn't just caught looking at eye candy. "Should've known you would come out" I shrugged "Had to meet your famous best friend". 

He shot her a glare and she rolled her eyes at him. "Can you help me get him inside? I'm tired of carrying his ass around every time he manages to get hurt" he flipped her off and she popped his hand. As he turned his head, I noticed the devices in his ears. He was deaf. Was caught my attention was the Stark logo. I made those. I remembered making those. He leaned against the car as he walked, staying off of his left leg as best as he could. Natasha threw her hands up "Clint, knock it off. You're gonna pop a stitch". He waved her off "I'm fine Nat" I was taken by surprise at his voice. He had a very soothing voice. I could listen to him talk all day about anything. "Clinton" he stopped and glared at her "I told you not to call me that". She shrugged "If you would listen to me, I wouldn't have to". He got cold after that "Whatever" I noticed a sore subject, but decided not to pry. If he was anything like Natasha, I did not want to be on the recieving end of his anger. I stayed near him as he was walking to make sure he didn't face plant into the cement. He only stumbled once, and I grabbed his upper arm to make sure he didn't fall.


I knew who he was. Anthony Edward Stark. Of all the people Nat could bring to live across the street, she chose the CEO of Stark industries, the playboy, and the one that made my hearing aids. I could feel him looking over every inch of my body as he was staring from across the street. I then felt his gaze on my ears, knowing he saw the hearing aids. I didn't pay any attention to him, more focused on getting inside and away from the sun. My blistering sunburn on my shoulders, not appreciating the heat. He had to stop me from falling once before I made it to the door and unlocked it with my fingerprint. I opened the door "Alright Nat, you made sure I got inside. I can handle myself". She put her hands on her hips and shook her head "How are you gonna get up the stairs?". I shrugged "By walking" she rolled her eyes before turning to Tony "I can handle him from here. Go ahead and go back. I'll be there soon". He nodded before his gaze lingered on me. He turned and left before Nat came in and closed the door. "Why are you so determined to do everything by yourself? You're going to hurt youself worse" I huffed and sat on my couch painfully.

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